Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


03/18/2020 DON’T PANIC. GOD’s GOT YOU.

Isaiah 41:10 Don’t panic. I’M with you. There’s no need to fear for I’M your GOD. I’LL give you strength. I’LL help you. I’LL hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you. [Message Bible translation]


Isaiah was an old testament prophet who wrote during a stormy period in Israel’s history. Mighty nations were rising up around them threatening the safety of the Israelites. Whenever a nation rose up, like a mighty “Game of Thrones” the people panicked.

There were the Assyrians, who swept westward from what is known as Syria today. When the Assyrians rose up and threatened Jerusalem, the people panicked because the Assyrian army was known for its cruelty and ruthlessness. In fact, an Assyrian commander was so confident of his victory that he refused to speak to the Jewish negotiators and loudly threatened in Hebrew, so that every Jew in earshot could hear, that the Jerusalemites would be forced to eat and drink their own body waste in order to survive when he started the siege of Jerusalem. In distress, King Hezekiah panicked, and ripped his clothes in distress and then prayed mightily to GOD. GOD answered King Hezekiah’s prayer. And, Isaiah reassured the people that GOD would protect them from the Assyrians and that the Assyrian king would return home and be killed. (Isaiah 37:7). And, GOD did what GOD said HE would do.

The Babylon Empire rose in the South and struck terror in the heart of the Hebrew people. Even, though the fall of Jerusalem would eventually occur, Isaiah still reassured the people, even before the fall, that GOD would redeem the people from Babylon (See Isaiah 41:2), that they would return home to their homeland. GOD comforted the people. GOD told the people, “Don’t panic.” “I’M with you.” “I’M your GOD,” the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. GOD reassures HIS people that, although their world may seem shaky, HE is steadfast and has a steady hold on them! Although everything around them may seem like it is falling apart, HE has a firm grip on them.” Isaiah wanted the people to know: “GOD’s got you!”
You can always rely on GOD! And, GOD did just what GOD said HE would do.

Panic Can Be Dangerous

The writer in “Why Do We Panic in Emergencies” gives two examples:

On December 13, 1913, a party was being held for the family of miners who was facing a lengthy strike. The party was supposed to lift the spirits of the gathers but everyone was tense. For some reason (no one knows) someone suddenly yelled “Fire,” which triggered panic. Four hundred people all suddenly searched for an exit, rushing down the stairs and out the building. Seventy-three men, women and children died that day. There was no fire.

On June 6, 1944, a fire broke out at a Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus. About 168 people died. Many were trampled trying to flee the scene. Only a small percentage died from smoke inhalation or the fire.

Researchers have studied crowd behavior and study how people react to danger. They have noted that even when given correct information for example about where an exit is, because of a behavioral concept called “herding”, sometimes people will go in the same direction because most people are going in that direction too, even if the direction they are going is wrong. Researchers have also noted that in times of panic, the “fight and flight” instinct may cause people to make “unwise decisions” especially when we are part of a large group and others are trying to do the same thing. One conclusion and suggestion from this research study is that you should pay attention to your surroundings when you go out. Notice where the exits are located if you are in a crowded place. Be alert in emergencies, but “don’t panic,” because the life you save may be your own. See, “Why Do We Panic in Emergencies,” Psychology Today,

In other words, plan ahead and remember what you know for sure, despite what the crowd may be doing.

Interestingly enough this is the same advice some financial advisors give people who start to panic and want to sell off all their retirement savings during times of deep dips when others start panic-selling in the stock market or engaging in other panic behaviors. See, “Suffering Through Your First Financial Crisis? Read This to Relax,” See also, “If You’re Panic shopping, chances are you might also panic-sell your stocks,” by Jill Cornfield, March 15, 2020,

Read more: 03/18/2020 DON’T PANIC. GOD’s GOT YOU.