When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11
Our goals for participants are for them...
- To take seriously the need for achievment in school and to gain the understanding of how excellence in educational achievment will positively impact every aspect of their lives.
- To make the decision to avoid indulging in the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and recreational drugs.
- To have the courage to resist pressure from peers to participate in unacceptable hevavior.
- To understand the potential consequences of unprotected sex.
Core Values:
- To provide programs for youth that teach transformational doctrines.
- To teach youth to demonstrate social, ecological and economic justice for everyone.
- To empower youth with the tools to develop a strong sense of self and wise decision-making skills.
Boys ages 13 through 17 of all cultures, faiths and ethnic groups are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Contact: Deacon London Wright (510) 395-3659 Meetings Day/time: First Saturday, 4pm - 6pm Location: Family Life Center Building. |