Meditations on Healthy Living

Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers [and sisters], in view of GOD’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to GOD—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD’s will is –HIS good, pleasing and perfect will. [New International translation]


If there was anyone in the Bible who knew about transformation, most would agree that Paul did!

When we first meet Paul, he was known as “Saul.” Some might call him a “stone-cold killer” and “Public Enemy # 1” to Christians. The Living Bible translation describes him this way:

Paul was like a wild man, going everywhere to devastate the believers [in JESUS CHRIST], even entering private homes and dragging out men and women alike and jailing them.

See, Acts 8:3. Paul described his old self as having a zeal for persecuting Christians (sometimes called the followers of “This Way.” In addition to touting his educational credentials, as having been a pupil of Gamaliel, a strict Pharisee, who educated those under him in a similar strict manner and according to the Jewish laws, (see Acts 22:3), Paul admits that he viewed all Christians as a threat. In Acts 22:4 Paul states:

[I] persecuted the Christians, hounding them to death, biding and delivering both men and women to prison.

Paul acknowledges that he had a reputation for going after Christians. In fact, in Acts 22, he basically says, “ask anyone and they will tell you I’m telling the truth:”

The High Priest or any member of the Council [i.e., the Sanhedrin, the Supreme Council and tribunal of the Jewish people that had religious, civil and criminal jurisdiction] can testify that this is so. I asked them fora letter to the Jewish leaders in Damascus, with instructions to let me bring any Christians I found to Jerusalem in chains to be punished.

See Acts 22:5. But after Paul’s Damascus road experience where Paul “met” and had a personal experience with JESUS, Paul was completely transformed:

  • Paul was humbled and forced to his knees (Acts 9:4)
  • Instead of being arrogant and boastful, Paul found that he was blind and needed to be led. (Acts 9)
  • Instead of persecuting believers, Paul becomes a zealous believer, telling everyone about the Good News about JESUS---that HE is the SON of GOD. (Acts 9:20). Paul said:

1. For to me to live is CHRIST, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)
2. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that CHRIST saved me for and wants me to be. (Philippians 3:12)
3. Paul calls himself “a servant of CHRIST JESUS.” (Romans 1:1); “crucified with CHRIST,” so that “I myself no longer live, but CHRIST lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)

Paul’s transformation allowed him to start all over again!


It happens at the beginning of January. They make resolutions. They decide to go to the gym. They start a “new thing.” Many gyms are full of “January People” the first week of January. Gym parking lots are generally full. Often classes are full too. During that first week, gyms are teeming with activity! By the second week, more parking spaces become available. And by the third week, you can park almost in any section you want. Perhaps the results did not come as quickly as the January People wanted so they “slacked off” “a bit” or stop going altogether.

Sometimes “January People” make resolutions about what they will eat or drink. Or the January promise may be about spending, attending church, reading the Bible, watching less TV, spending more time with a spouse, children or family. Sometimes January people join a church ministry or have goals for their present ministry or volunteer group.

There are “January Student.” Some have about studying, playing an instrument, getting homework done faster or have other academic goals.

There are also “January Project People” who have projects they have been planning for years--- house project, a work project, or a personal project they are trying to “get done.”

If you are feeling that you just haven’t accomplished what you wanted to accomplish, what you thought you needed to accomplish or if you are feeling like “things are not working,” Romans 12:1 reminds all of us, “Don’t give up!” “Start Over again!” and remember GOD’s power to TRANSFORM YOU and YOUR MIND!

For example, if you want to move beyond being a “January Gym Person,” study the habits of those who keep going to the gym. Many of them will tell you that they are not looking for “external” rewards” (like a great body; or because they lose a pound every time they go) but they go to the gym because of the “internal rewards” (they enjoy the friendship with other people because it has become part of their “healthy living” lifestyle). The gym has just become part of their mental and physical routine.

Many tasks involve showing up, being consistent, sacrificing some activities for others and deciding to “keep going” or starting again, even when things did not turn out the way you wanted them to the first time! So, don’t give up! It’s not over yet! Keep going!

Romans 12:1 also reminds us to be mindful of the type of resolutions and goals we try to achieve. We are warned to “do not conform to the pattern of this world.” Some parents have put it this way: “Just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean that you have to do it too.” “Just because everyone else owns it, doesn’t mean you need to own it, buy it, wear it too.” “Just because everyone else is going, doesn’t mean you need to go too.” We don’t have to conform to everything we see in magazines, on TV or in ads.

Instead, Romans 12:1 encourages each of us to find what is pleasing to GOD! Pray about what GOD wants you to do. Pray about what GOD wants you to become. Pray and ask GOD what GOD’s will is for you!

So, as we approach the end of January, pray about for GOD’s will for you! Pray about GOD’s will and for renewal in our homes, our neighborhoods, and world governments.

Please pray one for another. Pray GOD’s will be done!

Be transformed and BE BLESSED!