Meditations on Healthy Living

Acts 2:44-46 And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything with each other, selling their possessions and dividing with those in need.  They worshiped together regularly at the Temple each day, met in small groups in homes for Communion, and shared their meals with great joy and thankfulness, praising GOD. [Living Bible translation]


Definition: “Koinonia” is a New Testament Greek word that means “commune by intimate participation.”  The word is frequently used in the New Testament to describe the relationship within the early Christian church as well as the act of “breaking bread” that CHRIST prescribed during the Passover meal.   It identifies the state of fellowship and community that should exist among Christians.  Koinonia embraces concepts like “sharing,” “joint participation,” “contribution” and “fellowship with each other and with GOD.”



Acts 2:44-46 is often cited as a prime example of ‘Koinonia’ among members of the early Christian church. The idea of meeting together, sharing their resources, worshipping together, praying together, meeting in small groups for fellowship and the act of participation in communion is expressed in Acts 2:44-46 and elsewhere in the gatherings of the early church.  The word “Koinonos” means a companion, a partner or a joint owner. 

Koinonia can also refer to a spiritual relationship, as when something is held or shared jointly for GOD.  The HOLY SPIRIT acting within us and through us for the mission of helping the poor or to achieve a higher purpose, thereby glorifying GOD, is also expressed in the concept of ‘Koinonia.’  Koinonia also refers to a bond between comrades, as when friends share their joys and pain, when one prays for another, or when people are united because of their common interests and goals. Koinonia involves action. It is “doing together.”  It is a blessed, interdependent friendship and fellowship among believers and with GOD. 


Although it may be traditional for people to enter their own, separate and private “mental closets” and make their own individual lists of new year resolutions or goals, I would like to suggest that we, as a Wednesday group of believers, in the spirit of Koinonia, set a few Koinonia goals for the next seven days. 


1.       Read and re-read Psalms 103- A Psalm of David discussing “The Benefits of the LORD” over the next seven days.  [For example, read a portion first thing in the morning or at night or set aside time during lunch or during some part of your day.]

If you want a sermon on this scripture or a deeper understanding of how this scripture can help you, I encourage you to listen to the December 29, 2019 sermon of Rev. Bernestine Smith. 


2.       Say a Koinonia prayer for someone and a Koinonia prayer of thanks to GOD each day!   


3.       Select one or more of the following goals: Find a partner to do one or more of these exercises at least once on 3 different days over the next 7 days (If you have a medical condition or disability and have not been exercising, consult your personal physician request a consultation about what exercises would be appropriate for you.):

a.       Find a walking buddy and take a walk for at least 30 minutes. If your buddy is in a wheelchair find the appropriate grounds for wheelchair mobility and modify your time, if necessary.

b.       Ask a friend or family member to join you in doing some online exercise movements appropriate for your level. The following websites may be helpful:

                 Always consult your personal physician if you have questions or concerns about exercise.

c.       Ask a family member or friend to join you in doing some exercises with weights appropriate for you and your partner.

d.      Take two or three exercise classes.  [Many gyms, like 24-Hour Fitness, provide 3-day passes in the month of January. If you live near a 24-Hour Fitness gym, call and ask about their free 3-day passes.]


1.       Eat raw fruit or vegetable for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner over the next seven days. For example, a piece of fruit, salad, raw carrots, celery, broccoli, etc.

2.       Make a point to drink plain water (hot or cold) with at least two meals per day. Avoid drinks with added sugar over the next seven days.

3.       Eat one to three meals with friends, family or co-workers over the next seven days. 


Koinonia is not just for you.  Our goals are not only for ourselves but for our churches, families, and community.   We are all in this together.


One thing you can always do is pray one for another during this Koinonia 7-day journey and into 2020!  Please pray for members of your family, pray for those who join you in worship (members, visitors and friends).  Pray for the homeless. Pray for students. Pray for our leaders and other leaders around the world.  Pray for the incarcerated.  Pray for the lonely. Pray for the sick.  Pray for the mentally ill.  Pray for those who are hungry. Pray for nations.  Pray for youth and children everywhere.  Pray for Peace. 

And, pray for Koinonia.  And, don’t forget to thank GOD for all of GOD’s benefits to us all! 


Pray GOD invites the HOLY SPIRIT of Koinonia in each of us and BE BLESSED!