Meditations on Healthy Living

James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed GOD, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called GOD’s friend.
[New International translation]


There are a few people in the Bible who seem to have a special relationship with GOD. One of these people is Abraham. Abraham was called “GOD’s friend.” The fact that Abraham was GOD’s friend seems to have been “common knowledge” in the Bible.

In 2 Chronicles 20:7, King Jehoshaphat, one of the kings of Judah, the Southern part of the divided kingdom, states during one of his prayers:

Art not thou our GOD, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend forever? [King James translation]

In other words, Abraham was not only GOD’s friend but was GOD’s friend “forever,” suggesting that they were not just friendly but “best friends.” Just imagine being that close to GOD!

Isaiah 41:8, is another clear acknowledge by GOD, that Abraham was indeed “HIS friend.” In Isaiah, GOD speaking to HIS people states:

But, as for you, O Israel, you are mine, my chosen ones, for you are Abraham’s family, and he was MY friend. [Living Bible translation]

This suggests that the benefits of GOD’s friendship can reverberate from generation to generation. In other words, a best friend knows and cares about their best friend’s family too.

In the above scripture from James 2:23, believed to have been written by the brother of JESUS, also refers to Abraham as GOD’s friend. James’s letter provides additional evidence as to why Abraham and GOD were such good friends. James states that Abraham believed GOD. Isn’t that one of the characteristics of good friends? They believe in you?

Think about the people you call best friends in your childhood. When anything really exciting happened at school, wasn’t it your best friend you wanted to tell and get their reaction. When you wanted an opinion “that really mattered”---how you looked, whether a certain outfit fits you, what junior high school you might attend, what activities you were signing up for at school, wasn’t it your best friend you wanted to consult and compare notes. You believed your friend. You trusted them.

Many a frustrated parent has said: “If they told you to jump off a cliff, would you jump off too?!!?” over what seemed to be blind allegiance and willingness to follow in the footsteps of a best friend!

Abraham had an even greater blind allegiance and a stronger faith in his friend, GOD.


Anyone who has had a “gym buddy,” “walking pal,” “exercise classmate,” “teammate” “workout partner,” or “been in a group exercise session” can attest to the benefits of exercising with friends.

There are numerous benefits when you exercise with friends.

  1. Accountability- Knowing that your friends will show up helps to motivate you to show up. And, showing up is 99% of the exercise battle. You are more likely to exercise when you get into the habit of exercising with another person. If you exercise alone, it is easy to “take a pass.” But, if you know others will be looking for you, or asking you, “Where were you? We missed you!” this sense of being accountable to others helps to keep you showing up on a regular basis.
  2. Motivation- Watching other people exercise, practicing with others, learning various movements motivates everyone to keep at it and get better. Although people often feel like they will “stand out” or look awkward “compared to everyone else,” when people actually attend exercise classes a few times, they are often surprised how easy it is to “fit in.” Everyone just wants to have fun! No one is competing. Everyone just wants to enjoy themselves and get healthy! Once you realize that “Most people think they can’t dance, or can’t do the moves right” everyone stops looking around and just move to the Zumba or exercise beat.
  3. Socialization- Socializing in an exercise group, at a gym, on a team with other people is good for a person’s physical and mental health. One of the reasons that parents often encourage their children to participate in sports is not only for the exercise but to teach them “life lessons too.” You learn how to cooperate, work together as a team, try to achieve a common goal and learn how to do your best for the greater good. You can learn or re-learn those same “life lessons” when you try to improve in adult team exercise activities. Often going to the gym becomes a time of learning to “let go” [of everything else that happened during your day or you have planned for the day] and just focus on relaxing, exercising and having fun together.

So, give it a try. If you are concerned about your lack of activity, you want to improve your stamina, physical condition or get to the next level, call up a friend, try an exercise class or just start walking regularly at places where other people walk. You are likely to make some friends soon. You can also “be a friend” by encouraging someone else.


Think about some of the characteristics of best friends:

- They tend to tell each other everything;
- They hang out at each other’s houses;
- They trust each other.

Think about James 2:23: Abraham believed GOD.

Today, tell GOD you want to be friends. Talk with HIM. Tell HIM everything. Find one of GOD’s houses and meet some of GOD family members. Join a church “team” and do some activities together (e.g. help the homeless, sing in a choir, become an usher, go to a Sunday School class and “hang out” there, become part of the GOD’s team).

Invite GOD to your house. Talk to HIM in the morning (e.g. read a Psalm every day). Get to know GOD better and better every day. Tell GOD your plans for the day and invite HIS input and participation. Have a conversation with GOD as you eat—be thankful for every meal. Call HIM up to go over your day. Let HIM know what happened. Bring the needs of other friends and situations to HIM. Take all your worries and concerns to GOD.

Best friendships don’t happen overnight. But, to be able to say: “I am a friend of GOD” is worth the effort!

Be GOD’s friend, exercise with friends and BE BLESSED!