Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Job: 42:12,16-17 And the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning…And after this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons’ sons, four generations. And Job died, an old man, and full of days. [Revised Standard translation]

Roman 15:4 tells us:

For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

New American Standard Bible translation. In other words, the WORD of GOD instructs us so that we can make it through the difficulties of life. One way that we learn to persevere and continue on is by learning from the example of others, people who “made it through” ----people who survived the trials and tribulations in their lives. These survivors’ stories often can be laid out in three acts: 1) A description of their life before the trial; 2) A description of the trials encountered and; 3) A description of how they made it through or what they were like afterward. Over the next few weeks, we will examine a few of these survivor stories. Today, we consider Job and what Job might say if he could speak today.

Life Before the Trial – I (Job) lived a rich and satisfying life. I had great wealth. Thousands of sheep and camels, hundreds of asses and oxen, a large household, and lots of children. (Job 1:3,4) I was one of the wealthiest men in the East. I feared GOD and stayed away from evil. (Job1:1). I offered sacrifices to GOD for my children, fearing they may have sinned. (Job1:5). My wife and I were what some might called “good people.” I was also GOD’s servant. (Job:8)

My Trials -My trials came in waves. In the first wave of my trials I lost everything I thought I possessed.” Like I said I had sheep, camels, donkeys and other possessions, which I managed expertly. But suddenly it was all gone. It vanished overnight. One servant reported a hostile tribe took my donkeys and attacked my workers. Another servant reported that fierce fire broke out (my servant called it “the fire of GOD) and all my sheep and servants taking care of them were consumed, except for the one servant who brought me the sad news. (Job 1:16). Before the first servant had even stopped talking another servant rushed in and delivered more bad news. All my camels were taken and the servants taking care of my camels killed too, except this single servant. The worse report of all was that another messenger told me all my children were dead. Yes, dead. What sounded like a desert tornado engulfed the house where they were feasting, collapsed all the walls and none of them escaped except this lone servant. (Job 1:18) It probably was one of the worse moments in my life. It was the worse news of all.

My second wave of trials came in the form of sickness and pain. I suddenly developed terrible boils from head to toe. (Job 2:7-8). I suffered greatly and probably smelled horrible. Even my wife, couldn’t stand to look at me. One day she told me to commit spiritual suicide! She advised me to just curse GOD, end my suffering and die. (Job2:9). My friends blamed me. They told me that I must have brought this upon myself and urged me to repent. (Job 13) My clothes were full and worms and dirt. (Job 9:28). They were no comfort at all.

The next trial was the day my spirit was broken. (Job 17) I pitied myself, I was falling apart, deteriorating and saw no hope in sight. Death was standing over me. I could feel the grave. I went to GOD and asked: “Why?” “Why GOD, Why?” Why is this happening to me!” It didn’t seem right. It doesn’t seem just. I talked and talked and talked to GOD but I received no clarity. I wanted to understand this. No, I demanded that GOD explain HIMSELF.

Read more: 04/08/2020 GETTING THROUGH IT