Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Mark 6:7 And HE called to HIM the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. [Revised Standard translation]

Luke 10:1 After this the LORD appointed seventy others, and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where HE HIMSELF was about to come. [Revised Standard translation]


When JESUS commissioned HIS disciples to go out HE sent them in pairs. He wanted them to partner with one another so they could support each other, encourage each other and be a visual example of the unity of their faith. Their work together would be a testimony. When one was weak, the other could pray. Each would be there to help the other, should one stumble or fall. No one went alone.

There is strength in unity and partnership.


Whatever our fitness goals might be, none of us need to go it alone. There are partners everywhere! And, there are a number of reasons why exercising with a friend or a group can be a huge benefit. Some of the reasons why include the following:

  1. Exercising with a friend or a group can be fun: When you are exercising with other people, you are more likely to have more fun than exercising alone. You are less likely to be bored and many exercise group teachers can be entertaining.
    You can laugh together at each other’s mistakes, encourage each other and experience the joy of finishing an exercise routine or a class together.
  2. You are more likely to stick to your commitment: When you exercise with a “regular group” or you and a friend commit to being at the gym at a certain time, you are more likely to “show up” than if you go it alone. Just knowing that other people are “showing up” is a great motivator. On the other hand, if it is “just you” you can probably think of a million reasons why “not today” or “not tonight” or “maybe next week” will be better. The group has a tendency to support group attendance.
  3. You are more likely to work harder when someone else is around: There is nothing like competition. When people are around the same fitness level, it is easy to push yourself a little harder and not give up, than if you exercise alone. The sight of someone lifting weights, picking up the pace or completing an exercise has helped to nudge a number of others “across the finish line too.”
  4. It’s often safer to exercise with others: Sometimes others can see something that we can’t. Having someone “spot” you for lifting weights is a great way to let someone else monitor your form, act as a support in case you need it or help you get to the next level. This is one reason why people often exercise with a trainer.
  5. It’s often cheaper to exercise with others: Sometimes people hire a personal trainer together. Or, it may be cheaper to carpool to the gym, pool or park with another person or buy exercise equipment together.


Read more: 08/01/2018 STRENGTH IN PARTNERSHIP