Meditations on Healthy Living

Genesis 1:29-30 Then GOD said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beast of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it---I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. [New International translation]


The first food diet included green plants. Fruit and green plants were to sustain all animal and human life. Before “the Fall” there did not appear to be any eating of meat. Nor was there any killing of animals. Fruit and green plants alone were sufficient for life.


According to Allison Aubrey in “Eating Leafy Greens Each Day Tied To Sharper Memory, Slower Decline,” a study published in Neurology, finds that healthy seniors who had a daily helpings of leafy green vegetables (such as spinach, kale, collard greens) and cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower) had a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who ate little or no greens.

One of the participants in the higher cognitive group noted the following:

"My goal every day is to have a big salad," says Candace Bishop, one of the study participants. "I get those bags of dark, leafy salad mixes."


Although the study does not prove that eating greens will prevent memory decline, it does establish an association. One researcher notes: “The association is quite strong.”

Other factors besides eating greens were also associated with overall good health and a slower rate of cognitive decline, such as other healthy habits. Candace Bishop, for example, attends exercise groups in her retirement community and is active on several community committees.

In another article “Eat Your Greens,” Jana Kaplan discusses some of the great health benefits of eating greens. According to Kaplan, leafy greens are a “fantastic” source of fiber, potassium and vitamins, such as Vitamin A, C and K.

Vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, healthy teeth, skeletal, soft tissue, mucus membranes and skin.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of tissue throughout the body. It is important to prevent immune system deficiencies, to protect against cardiovascular disease to prevent eye disease and even wrinkling.

Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and bone health. It helps to reduce bone loss and decreases the risk of bone fractures by assisting the body in transporting calcium throughout the body.

Consider using darker leafy lettuce greens rather than use iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce, while crunchy, is very low on nutrients.

Many stores now carry pre-washed and packaged leafy vegetables and containers with pre-cut green cruciferous vegetables. A number of grocery stores also have salad bars with a variety of salad greens and toppings, allowing you to experiment.

If you use packaged salad mixes or buy some greens from a salad bar, you always add fruit (e.g. apple pieces, orange pieces, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, a variety of grapes) and nuts and seeds (e.g. raw cashew pieces, almond slivers, pumpkin seeds) for variety. Eating your greens can be filling, colorful, interesting as well as nutritious.


Fruit and green plants are still good food for the body. The WORD of GOD is still essential to life.

GOD is still GOD----ALL KNOWING;


Today, enjoy a green meal, bask in GOD’s LOVE, and BE BLESSED.