Meditations on Healthy Living

Revelation 3:14, 15-16 To the Church in Laodicea…These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of GOD’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm---neither hot nor cold---I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 
[New International Translation]


The book of Revelations was written to the seven churches in Asia: the church at Ephesus, the church in Smyrna, the church in Pergamum, the church in Thyatria, the church in Sardis, the church in Philadelphia, and the church in Laodicea. Revelation 3:14-16 is a message to the church in Laodicea.

Laodicea was a rich church---its members affluent. Some commentaries suggest that this church, with its riches might have been too comfortable or self-reliant, which may have explained their indifference and lack of zeal. As a result they received one of the sharpest criticisms of all the churches. They were neither burning with passion, fervent in spirit or “hot;” nor were they openly antagonistic and “cold.” They were just “lukewarm.”

This “hot, cold, lukewarm” analogy must have struck a chord with the Laodicea church, since they had experienced a problem with distasteful lukewarm water for years. The Laodiceans built aqueducts to bring the delicious cold water down from the mountains; however, by the time the water traveled through the mountains, it was lukewarm and sickening by the time it arrived at Laodicea.

The Laodiceans had no passion. They were “middle of the road,” people—or perhaps they just like standing on the sidelines---doing nothing. GOD’s message to the Laodiceans was to “be zealous” and “repent.” They were told to “turn from” their indifference and “become enthusiastic about the things of GOD.” See Rev. 3:19, Living Bible translation.

In contrast, one of the most striking examples of passion is the PASSION* of JESUS, who was so passionate in HIS love for humanity that HE, GOD who had all power in HIS hands, willingly allowed those hands to be nailed to a cross where they openly bled. Although HE committed no crimes, HIS passionate love was so great, HE allowed HIMSELF to be numbered among the criminals being crucified. HE willingly gave up HIS SPIRIT, just to save me, and you.

WaterTemperature During Exercise

It’s hot. But, there is still a need to exercise. And, it is important to drink water during and after exercising. But, should you drink warm water or cold water? This is the question that Wendy Bumgardener addresses in her article: “Is Drinking Cold Water During or After Exercise Good or Bad?”

Wendy Bumgardener’s responses are:

Believe it or not, cold water is absorbed faster by your body than water at room temperature or at body temperature. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that water and other drinks be chilled when used for exercise.

She states:

Research has shown that cold water passes through the stomach faster and is therefore sent to the intestines for quicker absorption.

She notes that most people find that cold drinks taste better and therefore people drink longer, thus preventing dehydration. Some of the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine as to what and how much to drink include the following:

Cold: Drinks should be cooler than room temperature.

Flavored: Drinks should be flavored to make them taste more appealing, helping people to drink more. A squeeze of lemon juice or a pinch of a flavoring can help without adding calories.

Drink to Thirst: Most exercisers should use thirst as their guide rather than forc-ing fluids.

See, “Is Drinking Cold Water During or After Exercise Good or Bad?” by Wendy Bumgardener, September 5, 2017,

Find The Passion!

We have to fight indifference and complacency---even about our own physical, emotional and spiritual health and the health of our communities. When it’s hot and we don’t “feel like exercising”---we have to find the passion!

We have to find the passion to reject “harmful foods.” We have to become so passionate about the health of our families and children in our communities that we are willing to sacrifice our own inclinations to “give in.” We must be passionate about being the “model” for self-care and good health we constantly pray GOD will grant to our families and the world.

We also have to become passionate about the “things of GOD”--- social and economic injustices----the high murder rates of young men and women in our cities, gun violence, sex trafficking, homelessness, high lead poisoning levels from drinking water from lead pipes or the demolition of old buildings, lack of quality and equal education for all and other social ills. If we are followers of GOD, we cannot do otherwise.

So, today find your passion.

Drink cold water, exercise, be zealous and BE BLESSED!

*The word “passion” comes from the old French word “passion” meaning “strength in feeling.” Later the “Passion of CHRIST,” came to mean “the suffering of JESUS.”