Embracing the Lenten Season
The Lenten season, from Ash Wednesday (March 5) to Resurrection Sunday (April 20), is a time for reflection on God’s great love for us and God’s great call on

- Confession & Repentance - Lent offers an opportunity for self-examination, allowing us to identify areas of our lives that need transformation.
- Fasting & Prayer - Fasting is a biblical practice that helps us grow in discipline, resist temptation, and become more attuned to God's voice (Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9,18; 1 Kings 19:8; Matthew 4:2).
- Charity & Almsgiving - Lent is not only about personal sacrifice but also about serving others. During this time, participants often make an intentional practice of generosity through acts of kindness, charity, and service.
Click here to download the Week 3 Readings & Reflection Guide
Click here to download the Week 2 Readings & Reflection Guide
Click here to download the Week 1 Readings & Reflection Guide
Click here to download the Week 2 Readings & Reflection Guide
Click here to download the Week 1 Readings & Reflection Guide
Why 40 Days?
The 40-day period of Lent is commemorative of Jesus' 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).
The number 40 also carries additional biblical significance, notably in:
- Moses’ 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28).
- Elijah’s 40-day journey to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8).
- The 40 days of rain during the Great Flood (Genesis 7:12).
- The Israelites' 40 years of wandering in the desert (Numbers 14:33).
Your Lenten Journey
Prayerfully consider these ways to embrace the spirit of the Lenten Season.
Shift - Carve out additional time in your schedule to shift your focus more intentionally on Jesus through reading in the Gospels and prayer + reflection time. If you already have a regular prayer time, consider adding another time of prayer to the day OR lengthening the time you spend praying and seeking God’s face.
Share - ATBC offers several opportunities to practice charity and almsgiving, including volunteer opportunities during Food Distribution, For Sisters Only, the Homeless Ministry, Face Mask Crew, and donating to the Benevolence Ministry or the Food Box. See the ministries pulldown above for more information on Ministries you can support during this season.
Sacrifice - Fasting during Lent can take many forms. While some choose to give up food or drink, others may abstain from distractions or habits that hinder their spiritual growth. Here are some ideas:
- Sweets and desserts
- Social media
- Television and entertainment
- Caffeine or coffee
- Meat
- Negative speech, gossip, and complaining
- Alcohol
- Shopping or impulse buying
- Excessive use of technology
During this critical time in our nation, many organizations are advocating for an economic fast / blackout of specific retailers. Consider participating in one of those initiatives as part of your Lenten Season fast.
Stay Plugged In!
Stay Plugged In!
Take advantage of corporate times of worship, study, and prayer to support your Lenten Journey including:
Check your Allen Temple email and newsletter for dates, times, and ways to connect.
Partner Up!
Everything is better with friends! Enhance your Lenten journey by doing it with a buddy. Use daily phone calls, a group chat, or Zoom to stay in touch and share how God is meeting you during your journey.
Partner Up!
Everything is better with friends! Enhance your Lenten journey by doing it with a buddy. Use daily phone calls, a group chat, or Zoom to stay in touch and share how God is meeting you during your journey.
Weekly Readings
Take advantage of these daily readings as a starting point for your time of reflection
WEEK 1 Readings
- Ash Wednesday / March 5th / Matthew 6:1-6,16-21
- Thursday, March 6th / Luke 9:18–25
- Friday, March 7th / Matthew 9:10–17
- Saturday, March 8th / Luke 5:27–32
- Bonus Reading, Sunday, March 9th / Luke 4:1-13
WEEK 2 Readings
- Monday, March 10th / Matthew 25:31–46
- Tuesday, March 11th / Matthew 6:7–15
- Wednesday, March 12th / Luke 11:29–32
- Thursday, March 13th / Matthew 7:7–12
- Friday, March 14th / Matthew 5:20–26
- Saturday, March 15th / Matthew 5:43–48
- Bonus Reading, Sunday, March 16th / Luke 13:31-35
WEEK 3 Readings
- Monday, March 17th / Luke 6:27–38
- Tuesday, March 18th / Matthew 23:1–12
- Wednesday, March 19th / Luke 2:41-52
- Thursday, March 20th / Luke 16:19–31
- Friday, March 21st / Matthew 21:33–43
- Saturday, March 22nd / Luke 15:11–32
- Bonus Reading, Sunday, March 23rd / Luke 13:1-9
WEEK 4 Readings
- Monday, March 24th / Luke 4:23–30
- Tuesday, March 25th / Luke 1:26-38
- Wednesday, March 26th / Matthew 5:17–19
- Thursday, March 27th / Luke 11:14–23
- Friday, March 28th / Mark 12:28–34
- Saturday, March 29th / Luke 18:9–14
- Bonus Reading, Sunday, March 30th / Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
WEEK 5 Readings
- Monday, March 31st / John 4:43–54
- Tuesday, April 1st / John 5:1–18
- Wednesday, April 2nd / John 5:19–29
- Thursday, April 3rd / John 5:30–47
- Friday, April 4th / John 7:1–2,10,25–30
- Saturday, April 5th / John 7:37–52
- Bonus Reading, Sunday, April 6th / John 12:1-8
WEEK 6 Readings
- Monday, April 7th / John 8:1–11
- Tuesday, April 8th / John 8:21–30
- Wednesday, April 9th / John 8:31–42
- Thursday, April 10th / John 8:51–59
- Friday, April 11th / John 10:31–42
- Saturday, April 12th / John 11:45–53
HOLY WEEK Readings
- Palm Sunday, April 13th / Luke 23:1-49
- Monday, April 14th / John 12:1-11
- Tuesday, April 15th / John 12:20-36
- Wednesday, April 16th / John 13:21-32
- Maundy Thursday, April 17th / John 13:1-17, 31b-35
- Good Friday, April 18th / John 18:1-19:42
- Saturday, April 19th / Matthew 27:57-66
- Bonus Reading, Resurrection Sunday, April 20th / Luke 24:1-1