Racial tension and attacks have run rampant ...we're still standing. Gun violence and senseless crimes in our community have risen...we're still standing. And lastly, COVID-19 with all of its variances and other health issues including mental health needs have visited us...we're still standing. All of these things have added to many of us experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression, uncertainty at a level we have never felt before. Yes, we pray and thank God for allowing us to still stand. In addition to prayer, God has gifted us with professionals to assist us by offering additional support to manage these things while here on earth.
If you are feeling a little wobbly as if your grounding is not stable, know there are many services available through the ministries here at Allen Temple Baptist Church to assist you. For mental health, Bethsaida Counseling Services is available to confidentially provide information and referrals to connect you to services, offer consultations, and present trainings and workshops. We invite you to reach out to us at (510) 544-8945 or by email at Together...we're still standing!