A Message from Bethsaida Counseling Services
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Health Matters. Black Mental Health Matters. Christian Mental Health Matters

Did you know there is an awareness month for almost everything - medical conditions, social causes and just for fun? Visit https://crestline.com/c/calendar-of-events or https://www.healthline.com/health/directory-awareness-months for a listing of some of the different awareness months.

Speaking of Awareness Month, a couple of weeks ago, the Health Education Ministries’ Emphasis shared that May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Tips were provided recommending some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty. The 5 tips listed were: separate what is in your control from what is not, do what helps you feel a sense of safety, get outside-even if you are avoiding crowds, challenge yourself to stay in the present, and stay connected and reach out if you need more support.

Continuing the message, Bethsaida Counseling Services wants to reiterate the importance of making your mental health a priority in May and every month. As matter of fact, make mental health important every month, every day, throughout the year. Taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health daily is self-care and self-love. They all matter. Strive for overall behavioral health and wellness. This will require you to be intentional in practicing self-care every day which includes being mindful of nurturing healthy habits, i.e., food intake, exercise/movement, meditation/prayer, etc. In order to have the fortitude to do the work of the church, more specifically, the work in the community, we have to first take care of ourselves.

After implementing some healthy lifestyle changes, if you find yourself continuing to struggle but do not know where to start to seek assistance, feel free to reach out to Bethsaida Counseling Services for information and referral. We are here to help direct you appropriately to get the support you need. Contact us at (510) 544-8945 or email us at bethsaida@allen-temple.org.

Consider every month Mental Awareness Month. Remember, Mental Health Matters. Black Mental Health Matters. Christian Mental Health Matters.