Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


07/09/2014 GRAPES

NUMBERS 13:23 When they reached the Valley of Eshcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them.... [New International translation]

Summary: The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. GOD called Moses to lead them out of Israel across the Red Sea. GOD defeated pharaoh's army and performed numerous miracles (e.g. plagues on Egypt, parting the Red Sea, The angel of death passing over Egypt, manna from heaven, water from the rock, etc). The Israelites witnessed it all. GOD told the Israelites that HE was taking them to a "land flowing with milk and honey." When the people arrived at Canaan, the land GOD was giving the Israelites, GOD told Moses to pick a leader from each of the twelve tribes to spy out the land. Forty days later the men returned from their tour and reported in to Moses. They all agreed that it was a magnificent land, as evidenced by the huge cluster of grapes and the other fruit they brought back. The land was so fertile it took two men to carry a single cluster of grapes. "BUT," the ten said as they continued to report---and then the ten went on to list all of the things that they were afraid of and all the negative things they believed would prevent them from taking the land. The ten leaders said there were "giants" in the land, that the people were more "powerful" than they were, and that the cities were "fortified" by water, mountains and coast. Despite the reassurances of their leaders (Joshua and Caleb) that the people were "well able to overcome" any obstacle and that they could conquer and take the land the people (except for Moses, Jacob and Caleb) refused to move forward. Despite all the miracles GOD had already performed and all that GOD had already done, they refused to move forward. Instead they started blaming God for putting them in this awful situation because in their minds, they were already defeated. They blaming GOD for their present situation, they blaming GOD for things that happened in the past (e.g. taking them out of Egypt-even though they were slaves in Egypt), they even blamed Moses. They wept, wailed, moaned and groaned. According to the Living Bible translation, they "carried on all night." Caleb told the people "the LORD loves us," and begged the people to trust and not fear, but the people response was to threaten to stone Caleb, Joshua and Moses. Because of the people's rebellion, their lack of faith, their stubbornness, their ungratefulness, and their disobedience and defiance against GOD, all the complainers were punished. When the people learned that they would be punished the people arose early the next morning and started walking toward the "Promised Land," to enter it but Moses told them, it was too late: "You have deserted the LORD, and now HE will desert you." The unbelievers wondered in the desert [the wilderness] for 40 years and died. They missed out on the grapes and their blessing.

Read more: 07/09/2014 GRAPES