Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


07/23/2014 BEING MINDFUL

Job 38: Then The LORD answered Job from the whirlwind: (4) Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much...(12) Have you ever once commanded the morning to appear, and cause the dawn to rise in the east?... (24) Where is the path to the distribution point of light? Where is the home of the east wind? (27) Who laid out the path for the lightening, causing the rain to fall upon the barren desert (28) Where does dew come from? (33) Do you know the laws of the universe and how the heavens influence the earth....

[Living Bible translation]


Job was a family man. He was a wealthy man. He was a healthy man. Everything was going right and then suddenly everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Job lost his children. Job lost his home. He lost his wealth and he lost his health. All of Job's material possessions just disappeared. Job's wife was angry about what was happening to them and had nothing good to offer Job. Job's friends did not act like friends at all. Job tried to make sense of what was happening in his life but he just could not figure it out. Job tried to talk to his friends but Job's friends just assumed that it must be Job's fault. When Job tried to "talk it out" with GOD, GOD reminded Job through a series of questions that only GOD is GOD. GOD reminded Job of WHO GOD IS. Through a series of questions Job was also reminded of his own limitations. Job could not answer GOD's questions—not even one, and Job came to realize that he cannot "question" GOD or comprehend the ways of GOD. Job became mindful that he was dealing in matters that a simple human mind "cannot understand." Some things are just far "too wonderful for him" to know or comprehend. (Job 42:3) Instead of coming to GOD demanding explanations or insisting that GOD come to him with answers, Job realized that he must come to GOD in FAITH.

Read more: 07/23/2014 BEING MINDFUL