Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


12/16/2015 FROM A ROOT

Isaiah 11:1-2 The royal line of David will be cut off, chopped down like a tree; but from the stump will grow a Shoot [CHRIST, the Messiah]—yes, a new Branch from the old root. And the SPIRIT of the LORD shall rest upon HIM, the SPIRIT of wisdom, understanding, counsel and might; the SPIRIT of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. HIS delight will be obedience to the LORD. [Living Bible translation]

Definition: the word “Messiah” is a term used in Judaism, Christianity and Islam to reference the redeemer who will come. Christians believe that JESUS CHRIST is THE MESSIAH (i.e. GOD’s ANOINTED ONE).


The prophet Isaiah lived over 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, yet this Old Testament prophet foretells the mission and life of Jesus Christ. As Isaiah foretold:

  1. JESUS came from the lineage of King David—from David’s “stump.” This royal line had been laid dormant for at least 600 years before JESUS (our KING) came long—thus, JESUS was like a new green “Branch” rising out of an old dormant “root.”
  2. John the Baptist gave his testimony as a witness to JESUS the MESSIAH when John in Luke 1:32 said: “I saw the SPIRIT descending from heaven like a dove, and IT abode upon him,” –thus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophesy that “The SPIRIT of the LORD shall rest upon HIM.”
  3. JESUS was the SPIRIT of Wisdom, in HIS early ministry –in being wise in all things (the way HE taught, the way HE answered questions, the way HE counseled. HE was a source of life and wisdom from GOD. (See, 1Cor. 1:30)
  4. JESUS is a Wonderful Counselor because HE not only understands our predicament, but HE sees and judges the heart (not our status, our finances, our clothing, nor our material things). HE sees beyond what we see.
  5. JESUS has the love and might to help us. HE can calm the stormy winds and seas of life; HE can feed us; HE has power over death; HE is our High Priest and intervenes on our behalf before THE FATHER. (See, Hebrews 4:14)
  6. JESUS was totally obedient to HIS FATHER---unlike the rest of humanity (including each of us), HE passed the obedience test—HE never sinned. HE was never disobedient. HE delighted in doing the FATHER’s will. Even when it was hard, JESUS allowed the FATHER’s will to be done. HE was obedient unto death, even death on the cross.

So, that at the name of JESUS, every knee shall bow… and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. [Isaiah 45:23-24; Philippians 2:9-11] No wonder heaven and earth (e.g., the angels, the wise men, the women (Mary and Elizabeth) and the shepherds) rejoiced!

Read more: 12/16/2015 FROM A ROOT