Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


12/23/2015 GIFTS

Genesis 43:11 So their father Israel finally said to them, “If it can’t be avoided, then at least do this. Load your donkeys with the best products of the land. Take them to the man as gifts---balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio, nuts and almonds.  [Living Bible translations]

Matthew 2:11: Entering the house where the baby and Mary his mother were, they threw themselves down before HIM, worshiping. Then they opened their presents and gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. [Living Bible translation]


Israel’s gifts

            Israel fathered 12 sons and at least one daughter. But, Israel favored the sons of his favorite wife Rachel. Israel and Rachel had two sons: Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin. Joseph was the oldest. Because Israel loved Joseph so much more than Joseph’s other shepherd brothers, Israel gave Joseph a “special gift” [Gen 37:3- Living Bible]----a fancy coat of many colors.
            However, in addition to his physical gift, Joseph also had a more important gift—a spiritual gift from GOD---the gift of interpreting dreams. But instead of Israel shepherding Joseph and helping him to understand the importance of his spiritual gift, Israel’s physical gift caused Joseph to place more emphasis on himself (Joseph) and less on GOD. Instead of acknowledging GOD, Joseph “boasted” and talked about “my latest dream,”—not about the dream GOD had given to him. Instead of remembering that “every good gift and every perfect gift” comes from GOD (James 1:17), Joseph was boastful, which made his brothers dislike him even more.
            As a result of the brother’s enmity toward Joseph, they sold him into slavery. To cover up their wrong, they splattered Joseph’s special coat with animal blood, showed the coat to Israel and convinced their father that Joseph had been killed. Israel saw believed their story and grieved greatly.
            Time passes. There is a famine in the land. To keep from starving, Israel sends his other sons, but not Benjamin (who he loves dearly and whom he did not want to risk losing), to look for food in Egypt. Joseph has been through much. He has risen from the ranks of slave, prison inmate, to minister of agriculture in charge of the food supply in all of Egypt. Joseph’s ascension to power was a result of Joseph’s spiritual gift from GOD.
            When the brothers come before Joseph, Joseph recognizes his brothers, but the brothers do not recognize Joseph. As a high Egyptian official Joseph questions the brothers and then orders them to go home and return with Benjamin. The brothers tell their father, Israel, about the high ranking Egyptian’s officer’s request and Israel is frantic. Believing that he has already lost one son of his heart Israel does not want to lose Benjamin. But the brothers pressure their father, explaining that unless they obey the high Egyptian official (who they do not realize is their brother Joseph), they will all die of starvation. And, moreover, the high Egyptian officer insisted that one of the brothers (Simeon) remain in Egypt until all of the brothers, including Benjamin, returned. So, Israel, agrees to let Benjamin go. But Israel insists his sons take the Egyptian a “gift.” Israel tells the brothers to load up their donkeys with the best products of the land--- balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds. The brothers are to give this gift to the Egyptian….

Read more: 12/23/2015 GIFTS