Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


05/22/2019 CHOOSE

1 Kings 18:21 Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is GOD, follow HIM; but if Baal is God, follow him.” But the people said nothing. [New International translation]


Elijah was a great prophet reformer in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. When Ahab, Jezebel and their prophets promoted Baal worship, Elijah sought to reawaken Israel to the real truth— JEHOVAH, HE alone is GOD. Baal worship was everywhere, all around him, but Elijah refused to succumb. Ignoring what was going on around him, Elijah challenged the status quo. He was confrontational. He was direct. Even Elijah’s name, which meant “YAHWEH1 is my GOD,” left no doubt where Elijah stood.

In 1 Kings 18, Elijah, called the “troubler of Israel” (1Kings 18:16), takes a stand against all the false Baal prophets around him. Elijah lets the people know that their “waver” between GOD and Baal worship had to stop. The people had to choose. Elijah proposed a test---a “showdown.” Elijah, GOD’s prophet vs. the 450 prophets of Baal.2


In this modern age, the difference between “real food” and “processed foods” is being blurred. In fact, many people (especially children) may not even know the difference between real food and processed food.

Processed Foods

Generally, processed foods are any food that has been changed or altered from its raw or natural state. If a food has been altered by chemicals, flavors, enhancers, colors, fillers, preservatives, additives then it is processed food. If the food is labeled with “other ingredients” (which generally you may not be able to pronounce or even know what they are) such as: mono and diglycerides, exthoxylated mono and diglycerides, dough conditioners (sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium iodate, calcium dioxide), datem, calcium sulfate, yeast nutrient (ammonium sulfate), dicalcium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, calcium propionate (to retain freshness)---then it is a processed food.

Most canned, boxed, jarred, frozen, packaged foods are processed foods. Most quick service and fast food outlets serve processed foods. Generally, foods with trans fats, which are fried, baked, hydrogenated and that come out of food vending machines are processed foods. Processed foods tend to contain a lot of salt, high fructose corn syrup and MSG (monosodium glutamate).

Read more: 05/22/2019 CHOOSE