Meditations on Healthy Living

Proverbs 11:1 A FALSE balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is HIS delight. [King James translation]


Proverbs is a collection of the wise sayings of Solomon, the son of David and the third King of Israel. Many associate the name “Solomon” with wisdom because Solomon was renowned for his great wisdom. However, the name Solomon was actually given to him by his father David. According to 2 Samuel 12: 24:

And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay
with her: and she bares a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the
LORD loved him.

The name Solomon (Shelomoh) comes from the Hebrew word for peace (Shalom). The Aramaic form of the word peace is “Shlomo.” The Arabic name “Suleiman” or “Sulaymon” also means peace.

Although his parents named him peaceful, GOD re-named him Jedidiah:

The LORD loved him; and because the LORD loved him, HE sent word
through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah.

The name Jedidiah means “loved by the LORD” or “beloved of the LORD.” Some believe that the name derives from the Hebrew name “Yedidyah,” which means “Friend of GOD.”

There has been a great deal of speculation among scholars, historians and commentaries as to why his parents called the child “peaceful” and why GOD re-named the child “beloved.” Some speculate that the old soldier David, who had fought many past battles, was looking forward to a time of peace.

Others compare Solomon’s name change by GOD to the other times in Old Testament Biblical history when GOD made a “name change” ----as when GOD changed the name of Abram’s to “Abraham,” Sarai’s name to “Sarah” and Jacob’s name to “Israel.” Some speculate that each name change was to be a constant reminder of GOD’s true intention for that person’s life. It was a reminder of each person’s GOD-given identity for them. Some even speculate Solomon’s failure to use the name GOD gave him cause Solomon to forget his love of GOD and to turn to idolatry. They conclude that when Solomon married many women for the sake of peace he failed to understand that the “so-called” peace and bargains the world “offers” is never a substitute for GOD’s love.

BALANCE (Without Movement)

Isometric exercises are a type of strength training where the muscles and joint angles do not change during contraction. They are generally done in a static position. There is generally not a great range of movement. Often the muscles are working against themselves or against an immovable object. For example, in some isometric exercises, the body is resisting its own weight.

For example, a simple isometric exercise is to press the palms together (with the fingers tips pointing up to the ceiling in a prayer position and the elbows at opposite angles and just pressing the palms together for a count of 6 and then relaxing and repeating two or three times.

A simple plank (either on elbows or hand) is another type of isometric exercise. This can be done knees down or knees up. Doing a plank once or twice a day will strengthen the core.

A “stand-up” plank can be performed by pushing against a wall surface and holding for a few seconds and then repeating the movement.

The “superman” or “superwoman” pose, where a person lies on their stomach (e.g. on a mat) and raises their hands straight forward and feet straight behind, as if flying in the air and balancing upward, looking straight ahead, is another isometric exercise. This exercise can be modified by either raising one hand or foot at a time.

You can also perform isometric exercises by holding a free weight in a certain position. If you are not familiar with isometric free weight exercises, seek a certified trainer or someone who has some expertise and can provide proper instruction.

Yoga is also known for its isometric exercises. As always if you are concerned about what isometric exercises might be right for you to consult your personal physician. Mayo Clinic also suggests checking with your physician if you have high blood pressure or heart problem before doing any isometric exercise.


GOD has a purpose for your life. GOD is still changing names. Amid all the confusion of the world, negotiations, world deal, wars and suffering, it is important to not lose sight of GOD’s LOVE or that HE still wants us to be in “the Beloved.” See, Ephesians 1:6 and Thessalonians 1:4.

So, remember, GOD’s LOVE still prevails.

Be a Friend of GOD and BE BLESSED!