Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


12/25/2019 GOD’s LOVE

John 3:16 For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON.… [King James translation]

The birth of JESUS marks an extraordinary event in human history. It is a divine event. It is a time when we marvel that GOD---OMNIPOTENT (all-powerful), OMNISCIENT (all-knowing), OMNIPRESENT (everywhere at the same time), and OMNIBENEVOLENT (all loving and all good), became flesh and blood, in the form of JESUS, and dwelled among us, a sinful people, so that HE could show us “WHO HE (GOD) IS” and how to love.

GOD became flesh in the natural world and became the “living WORD.” HE became and epitomized “LOVE,” “SACRIFICE,” “TRUTH,” “TRUE FRIEND,” “FAMILY,” “ELDER BROTHER,” and showed us how to have the “RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.”


There are people who love to exercise. In “How to Learn to Love Exercise,” Mark Stibich, PhD, list some steps to become one of those people. 

  1. SCHEDULE IT - If you let it, everything will take priority over exercise. Instead of viewing exercise as “free time” and convincing yourself that you have no “free time,” it is important to practice setting aside time consistently to exercise. So, schedule it!
    a) You can begin by first setting aside 30 minutes 3 times a week to just think about exercise. In other words, don’t turn on the TV, don’t surf the internet, don’t answer the phone, don’t write, just think. Think about what you could be doing in the 30 minutes (e.g. walking outside or at a mall or other enclosed structure, taking a yoga class, taking a Tai Chi class, doing a series of stretches to a video, going to the gym and using exercise equipment, etc. Do this mental exercise for at least 30 minutes 2-3 times a week or until you are ready to take the next step.
    b) Now that you have set aside “mental exercise” time, substitute the mental exercise with the real thing. One of the easiest ways may be to call a gym and ask for a free pass to attend a class. 
  2. SET A MINIMUM – Once you have scheduled time, determine a minimum number of times each week you will exercise and make a commitment to not fall below that minimum. Sometimes you may exceed your minimum or you may have a “bad day” and reduce the intensity of the exercise but try to keep your commitment.
  3. MAKE YOUR GOAL HEALTH & ENERGY--Tell yourself each time you exercise your goal is health and energy. Avoid setting weight-loss goals or body image goals. Each time you exercise should be a win-win because you are sticking to your commitment and achieving greater health and energy. Even on your “light” workout days, you are still winning!
  4. BECOME AWARE OF THE MENTAL BENEFITS OF EXERCISE--In other words, notice how exercise makes you feel. Ask yourself some mental health questions. Since you started exercising:
    a) Are you dealing with stress differently?
    b) How’s your creativity?
    c) How're your problem-solving skills?
    d) Do you enjoy food more?
    e) Are you tired on non-exercise days?
    f) Do you crave different foods?

    Hold onto your positive answers on days you’d rather sit or surf the internet.

  5. ENJOY THE CHANGES – For example: Do you have:
    a) Better posture?
    b) Increased endurance?
    c) Increased flexibility? Not as stiff in the mornings?
    d) More strength? Easier to carry grocery bags or do other chores?
    e) Better movement? Can you go up and down stairs easier?
    a) Really feel your muscles and limbs
    b) Marvel at the mechanics of running, walking or lifting
    c) Feel your pulse increase or your blood flow quicken
    d) Appreciate what is happening to your body during exercise.
  7. CONTINUE TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF – Once you have learned to love exercise, continue to challenge yourself. Don’t let yourself get bored or hit a plateau. Keep growing. Keep striving. Keep challenging your body. There’s always room for a better you!

Read more: 12/25/2019 GOD’s LOVE