Meditations on Healthy Living

Ezekiel 37:1-3 The Power of the LORD was upon me and I was carried away by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD to a valley full of old, dry bones that were scattered everywhere across the ground. He led me around among them, and then he said to me: “Son of dust, can these bones become people again?” [Living Bible Translation]
I said, “O Sovereign LORD, you alone know.” Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones….”
[New International translation]


Ezekiel was an Old Testament priest. His calling/job was to speak the WORD of GOD to a people that were in rebellion against GOD, a most difficult task indeed. But since he was “called” by GOD, GOD prepared Ezekiel for the task. Ezekiel’s preparation involved experiencing the SPIRIT OF GOD through a number of visions. In verse 37, Ezekiel has a vision of a valley of dead bones. These bones were very dry bones (New Testament translation) and very scattered. In other words, the fact that these bones were dry was compounded by the additional problem of these bones being disjointed, confused, fragmented, and mixed up. The fact that these bones were dead and that the whole valley was full of these bones, must have caused Ezekiel to question whether that particular valley was even a safe place to be. Ezekiel saw “Death Valley,” a mass graveyard of confusion.

The first thing that GOD did for Ezekiel was to cause him to open his mind up to the possibility of “seeing beyond the visible.” Ezekiel initially saw scattered bones in a valley. Through a series of questions, and instructions, GOD caused Ezekiel to realize that these bones were, in fact, people---his congregation--- in fact, the Nation of Israel. Israel had been beaten, led into captivity, humiliated and were so beaten down and so disconnected from their roots that they (the bones themselves) thought they had no hope. They were “lifeless.” But GOD promised Ezekiel, if Ezekiel followed HIS instructions, and prophesied to the bones, telling them about GOD’s plan for raising them up as a nation and about GOD’s plan to provide them with a KING and ONE SHEPHERD (Verse 37:24), (i.e. JESUS CHRIST), the dry bones would live again.

So, Ezekiel prophesied and GOD did just what HE said HE would do. GOD breathed life into the bones. GOD transformed a valley of death and dry bones into a people with spiritual life. GOD used Ezekiel to strengthen the bones. In Hebrew, Ezekiel’s name means “GOD will strengthen.”

According to KidsHealth, “3 Ways to Build Strong Bones,” having strong bones in childhood lays a foundation for building bone health throughout a person’s life. Most of bone-building occurs during childhood until around age 20. Adults can replace old bone with new bone, but the process is slower. Over time, bones can become weaker.
But if kids have strong bones in childhood, they will stand a better chance of avoiding bone weakness later in life. See, “3 Ways to Build Strong, Bones,” reviewed by Richard W. Kruse, DO and Susan M. Dubowy, PA-C,

KidsHealth believes there are three important ingredients for kids having healthy bones:

  1. A Good Source of Calcium;
  2. A Good Source of Vitamin D;
  3. Exercise

Calcium – If a child eats dairy, and some children do not, a doctor will tell you how much calcium a child needs based on age. According to Kidshealth, generally, younger children need 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy each day while older children need 4 servings.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Again, a doctor can assist in determining what a child’s Vitamin D needs are based on age. Osteoporosis is a “silent” bone disease where the bones become fragile, loose density and become brittle, typically as a result of hormonal changes or lack of calcium or vitamin D. It is “silent” because people do not feel their bones weaken and often people do not realize they have osteoporosis or a health problem until their bones fracture or break.

Exercise – Everyone’s muscles, even children’s muscles, get stronger the more they are used. So encourage children and youth to exercise. Riding a bike and swimming may be fun and good exercise but they are generally, according to KidsHealth, not weight-bearing exercises. Weight-bearing exercise includes running, jumping, climbing or other exercises that put pressure on the bones. Children should have approximately an hour of weight-bearing exercise per day.

Diet and exercise for adults are also preventative measures. Getting enough calcium throughout your life helps to build and keep strong bones. Dark leafy vegetables (e.g. kale, collars, broccoli, spinach, okra, etc.) are high in calcium and many juices are now calcium-fortified. An equal amount of yogurt has more calcium than and equal part of cottage cheese or milk. Being out in the sun (at least 20 minutes) helps the body to build vitamin D in order to absorb the calcium. Weight-bearing exercises (e.g. weight lifting, walking, jogging, dancing, playing tennis, Tai Chi, etc.) at least 3 times a week, help to make bones and muscles stronger and help to prevent bone loss.

If you are concerned about your bones, consult with your physician about testing, recommendations and prevention. Be proactive! Don’t wait!

Just as there will be peaks and valleys in life, there will also be desserts. And, sometimes the vicissitudes of life can try to sap your spirit, making you feel “lifeless,” like you have dry bones. Sometimes, the day after day of “bad news,” “world horrors,” creates the feeling that the whole world is in a “Death Valley.” But like Ezekiel, we have to “see beyond,” “remember the promises of GOD” and “Continue to speak the WORD of GOD, even in the midst of confusion and “dryness.”

Like Ezekiel (and other greats of FAITH, such as Abraham, Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Deborah), “speak in faith” and “act in faith,” even when “things” around are not what they should be. Like Ezekiel, believe GOD can bring people “back to life,” “turn situations around,” and “do just what HE said HE would do.” Like Ezekiel, continue to speak and call those things that are not, as if they were. See Romans 4:17.

So, today, prophesy. Prophesy to yourself about your health. Prophesy to yourself about your children. Prophesy about our cities (and the plight of homelessness, hunger, crime, indifference, racism, sexism, inequality). Prophesy to the raging nations and governments. Whatever is troubling you “to the bone” ----prophesy!

Be an Ezekiel and ask GOD to strengthen you!

Exercise your faith to the bone and BE BLESSED!