Meditations on Healthy Living

Genesis 19:15-16 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.” When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hand of his wife and of his daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.
[New International translation]

Scripture Discussed

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a story that is well-known by many believers. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Quran, and the Hadith.1

There were five cities, known as the cities of the plains, situated along the Jordan River. Two of these cities were Sodom and Gomorrah. These were “good-looking” cities. They were well-watered, green, and suitable for livestock grazing. See Genesis 13:11. Some, like Abraham’s nephew Lot, looked upon Sodom and Gomorrah as a “Garden of Eden.” See Genesis 13:11. What, short-sighted, Lot failed to realize was that “everything that looks good isn’t always good or good for you.”

Although Lot pitched his tent near Sodom, it turned out the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were corrupt and full of evil. See, Gen. 13:12. As a result of the wickedness of these cities, GOD pronounced Divine Judgment and decided to destroy them.

Two angels visited the city of Sodom and met Lot. They warned Lot of the impending danger and told Lot to gather his family and flee. Lot tried to convince his future sons-in-law, men who were pledged to marry his daughters, to leave with his family but the young men thought it a joke (or thought Lot had lost his mind) and just laughed at Lot. See Genesis 19:14.

At dawn, the next morning, when the time was running out, the angels urgently told Lot to just take his wife and two daughters and get out of the city NOW. When Lot hesitated (i.e., or was slow to move), the angels grabbed Lot’s hand, the hands of his wife and daughters, and rushed them safely out of the city. See Genesis 19:16.

GOD saved Lot’s life and the lives of his daughters despite their stiff feet.

Exercises for Stiff Feet
Many experts will agree that exercise can often strengthen, and increase the flexibility and mobility in your feet and ankles or increase your foot health. Not only can exercise improve flexibility but may also help reduce your risk of injury.

Foot, Toe, and Ankle Exercises:

    1. Sit in a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the ground.
    2. Raise your left foot about 6 inches off the ground and with your big toe began to make small circles in the air, going clockwise 10-20 rotations and then counter-clockwise about 10-20 rotations.
    3. Repeat the same exercise on the right foot.
    4. Rest a few minutes or return to the left foot and once again raise the foot about 6 inches off the ground and now slowly your ankle first clockwise and then counter-clockwise about 5-10 rotations.
    5. Again, repeat the same slow ankle rotation on the other foot.

Heal Stretches

    1. Sit in a sturdy chair, with your feet together.
    2. Slowly raise your heels off the ground until you feel a stretch, hold for a few seconds and then repeat the exercise 4 or 5 times.
    3. This exercise can be performed on one foot and then the other or both feet together. Heal stretches can also be performed standing with your back against a wall, standing holding onto the back of a sturdy chair or counter.

Toe Curls

    1. Sit in a sturdy chair with your feet on the ground.
    2. Place a small towel (e.g., a folded small hand towel) in front of your chair so when you place one foot on the towel, your heel is closer to the shorter end of the back of the towel.
    3. Curl your toes (which are facing the longer length of the towel), grasp the towel, and slowly pull the towel backward on itself. Repeat this exercise 4 or 5 times before switch to the other foot and repeating the pulling exercise. For a visual of this exercise and other foot exercises, see,

You should consult your personal physician if you have medical issues, are on medication, have balance problems, experience dizziness, or have other medical concerns. Your physician or a podiatrist should be able to answer your questions about the best exercise for you or address your medical concerns.

Pray and Exercise Faith for Greater Physical Spiritual Fitness
JESUS often accused the Pharisee of being “stiff-necked.” Sometimes people dig in their heels, resist change, insist on their own way, refuse to listen, or choose to not check “it” against the WORD of GOD. These behaviors can be signs, “marks” and symptoms of “stiffness.” It can happen and does happen to us all.

Like many things that are good for us, we may hesitate about exercising, reading our Bibles, eating right, giving charitably, or spreading GOD’s word. Let’s all strive to do better.

Let us all be instruments of GOD’s WORD and BE BLESSED!

1Many Muslims study the Quran and the Hadith literature.