Meditations on Healthy Living

Ezekiel 37:1-3 The Power of the LORD was upon me and I was carried away by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD to a valley full of old, dry bones that were scattered everywhere across the ground. He led me around among them, and then he said to me: “Son of dust, can these bones become people again?” [Living Bible Translation]

I said, “O Sovereign LORD, you alone know.” Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones….” [New International translation]

Ezekiel was an Old Testament priest. His calling/job was to speak the WORD of GOD to a people that were in rebellion against GOD, a most difficult task indeed. But since he was “called” by GOD, GOD prepared Ezekiel for his task. Ezekiel’s preparation involved experiencing the SPIRIT OF GOD through a number of visions. In verse 37, Ezekiel has a vision of a valley of dead bones. These bones were very dry bones (New Testament translation) and very scattered. In other words, the fact that these bones were dry was compounded by the additional problem of these bones being disjointed, confused, fragmented, and mixed up. The fact that these bones were dead and that the whole valley was full of these bones, must have caused Ezekiel to question whether that particular valley was even a safe place to be. Ezekiel saw “Death Valley,” a massive graveyard and confusion.

The first thing that GOD did for Ezekiel was to cause him to open his mind up to the possibility of “seeing beyond the visible.” Ezekiel saw scattered bones in a valley. Through a series of questions, and instructions, GOD caused Ezekiel to realize that these bones were in fact people---his congregation---in fact, the whole Nation of Israel. Israel had been beaten, led into captivity, humiliated, and were so beaten down and disconnected from their roots so that even they (the bones themselves) thought they had no hope. But, GOD promised Ezekiel, if he followed HIS instructions, and prophesied to the bones, telling them about GOD’s plan for raising them up as a nation, and about GOD’s plan to provide them with ONE SHEPHERD (Verse 37:34), (i.e. JESUS CHRIST), the dry bones would live again.

So, Ezekiel prophesied and GOD did just what HE said HE would do. GOD breathed life into the bones, just as HE did before when HE breathed life into man. (See Genesis 2:7.) GOD transformed a valley of death and dry bones into spiritual life.

Heatwaves can often be difficult to manage. During heatwaves, some people experience poor sleep, lack of energy, poor appetite, sluggishness, or other heat-related problems. Sometimes people wonder what to eat or drink.

How Much Water?
According to WebMD, about 60% of our body weight is made of water. Water serves a number of bodily functions. It carries nutrients to our cell, it helps us digest food, it cushions our joints, organs, and tissue, it flushes out toxins from vital organs and it helps to regulate body temperature. There is moist tissue, for example, around the mouth, nose, eyes. For example, water is the main component of saliva. Water also plays a role in preventing constipation by making sure there is water in your bowel movements. Water can also boost your metabolism and level of energy. In general, water is vital for human function. Nearly all of the body’s major systems depend on water. See, “How Much Water Should I Drink Daily,”

It turns out that how much water a person should drink generally (whether or not there is a heatwave) varies. Water consumption may depend on your size, age, sex, whether you are exercising, as well as environmental factors, such as the temperature outside, the humidity, and how much water your body is losing. People lose water by sweating (i.e., evaporation of water through the skin), breathing, urinating, and feces. According to a nutritionist, Kerry Torrens, in “How to Eat In a Heatwave,” and WebMD, there is no one size fits all when it comes to water intake.

The color of your urine may provide some information about your water intake. According to WebMD, normal urine is usually clear to yellow, depending on diet and hydration. When you are dehydrated, urine tends to more concentrate and a darker yellow, a sign you may need to drink more water. See, “What The Color of Your Pee Could Be Telling You Something,” by Sheldon Marks, MD, October 10, 2017,

Higher temperatures or higher humidity, such as what can happen in a heatwave, may mean that you sweat more so you may need to replenish the water in your body more frequently. Again, how much may depend on whether you are outdoors, how active you are, or other variables.

Medical conditions can also affect hydration or why a person might retain more or less fluid. If you have a heart condition, kidney condition, on medications, or have a health condition, you may want to consult your physician about what water intake amount is right for you.

What Foods to Eat?
Some foods are more hydrating than others. According to the nutritionist, Kerry Torrens, 20-30% of our fluid intake comes from foods we eat. Id. Some of the foods that Torrens lists as being high in water include:

 Strawberries
 Cucumbers
 Celery
 Lettuce
 Melon
 Squash

Other water-rich foods include oranges, apples, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, and Brussel Sprouts.

Torrens also mentions that food consumption leads to digestion, which is a heat-generating bodily process. So, eating leads to an increase in body temperature. According to Torrens, this may explain why appetites may be reduced, especially when it is hot because the body wants to cut down on heat-generating activities, like digestion.

Torrens suggest that foods that require more digestion, such as those foods that are high in protein and fiber or processed sugar, require “more effort to digest” and therefore generate “more heat.” For this reason, Torrens suggests that we may want to reconsider eating slushes and ice cream, which may have a “short-lived” cooling effect but because they require more processed sugar digestion, are more “heat-generating.” Making these kinds of [sugar] food choices on a hot day may result in a person “ending up hotter than they did to start with.” Id.


Just as there will be peaks and valleys in life, there will also be deserts. And if there is a desert, there will be dry bones. What is important is to move beyond the deserts and the dry bones to life. GOD’s instructed the Prophet Ezekiel on how to make this transition. GOD told Ezekiel to prophesy—speak to the bones.

Like Ezekiel, we too have to “speak in faith” and “act in faith,” even when “things” around us are not what they should be. Like Ezekiel, we must believe GOD can bring people “back to life,” “turn situations around,” and believe that “HE will do just what HE said HE would do.”

So, today, prophesy. Prophesy to your bones. Read GOD’s WORD. Absorb the WORD! Don’t be discouraged. Instead, speak hope to yourself and to others around you. Promote physical and spiritual health within. Let GOD’s “LIVING WATER1 ” and GOD’s “LIVING WORD2 ” restore spiritual life to you.

L’Chaim3, and BE BLESSED!

1In John 7:38-39, JESUS refers to the HOLY SPIRIT as “LIVING WATER.” JESUS invites anyone to come to HIM who thirsts.
2In John, chapter 1, JESUS is described as “THE WORD” that was made flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1:1-14.
3“L’Chaim” is a Hebrew toast of celebration that means “To Life!”