Meditations on Healthy Living

Psalms 139:7-10 Where can I go from YOUR SPIRIT? Where can I flee from YOUR presence? If I go up to the heavens, YOU are there; if I make my bed in the depths, YOU are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there YOUR hand will guide me, YOUR hand will hold me fast. [New International translation]

Matthew 28:20 [A]nd, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
[King James]

Jeremiah 23: 23-24 Am I a GOD who is only in one place and cannot see what they are doing? Can anyone hide from me? Am I not everywhere in all heaven and earth? [Living Bible]

Definition: Omnipresence: The prefix “omni” comes from the Latin word “all.” So, to say GOD is omnipresent is to say GOD is in all places or everywhere and at the same time.


Sometimes we forget about the Omnipresence of GOD---that GOD is everywhere. GOD’s Omnipresence can be a source of comfort and concern. In Matthew 28:20, JESUS comforts the disciple. After giving them their “marching orders,” their “mission,” or what is often called “The Great Commission,” HE then reassures them that they need not be afraid because HE would be with them ALWAYS. HE was promising to be their EMANUEL (which means “GOD is with us”) wherever they went---“even to the end of the world.”

David, who spent a period of his life fleeing from King Saul, knew what it was like to try to hide. When David was hiding from Saul and GOD protected David, GOD’s presence was a comfort.

David also knew what it was like to try to hide something from GOD. When David tried to hide his sin of sleeping with another man’s wife (Bathsheba) and causing the death of Uriah (Bathsheba’s husband), David’s “cover-up” never worked with GOD. GOD saw it all. When David was convicted of his sin with Bathsheba by the Prophet Nathan, David knew then that nothing was hidden from GOD. While others may be fooled by outward actions and appearances, we can hide nothing from GOD. The only way that David could “get right” with GOD after taking Bathsheba was to confess his sins and repent from the depths of his heart.

As Jeremiah reminds us there is no hiding place anywhere. GOD is everywhere.

Anywhere Exercises

Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be. While gyms may be closed, and people are sheltering and social distancing is recommended, it is still possible to exercise, because you can exercise almost anywhere.

Exercises That Can Be Done Almost Anywhere:

  1. Wall Squats: Find a wall. Slowly slide down the side of the wall until your thighs are parallel with the floor. You will look like you are sitting in a chair. Keep your back straight. Hold that position for the count of ten, slowly breathing in and out so that your stomach expands in and out. If you are concerned about sliding down too far, put a pillow behind your feet so you will land on a pillow; otherwise, don’t slide down too far until you have built up strength in your core. Do at least 5 of these per day, slowly building your core until you can hold the sitting position for at least 1 minute. Invite others to join you in doing this exercise!
  2. Side Leg Lifts: Find a straight back sturdy chair. With your back against a wall, hold the back of the chair arm’s length in front of you. Now shift your weight into your right leg and slowly raise your left leg as high as you can, holding on the back of the chair with both hands. Breathe in as you raise your leg up and breathe out when you slowly lower your leg. Alternate between lifting your right leg and your left leg. Remember, to shift your weight first before raising your leg. Do this at least ten times.
  3. Calf Raises: Using a straight back sturdy chair and with your back against a wall, slowly raise both heels as high as you can (hold for a second or two), then lower your heels to the floor. Again, only when you raise up, breathe in. When you lower your heels, breathe out. Do at least 10-15 of these calf raises.
  4. Wall Push-ups. Start with 1-3 push-ups. Then add a push up every day until you can do 10.
    1. Start with wall push-ups first- Find a wall and stand about 3 ft with your hands outstretched, facing the wall. Hands should be shoulder-width apart.
    2. Lean your body forward keeping your hands on the wall.
    3. Then push your body back with your hands until you are in a standing position again. Repeat this action 3-5 times.

Devotion Image 09.02.20

If you have a medical condition or problem, you have balance problems or you are concerned about the safety of any of these exercises, please be sure to first consult your physician before attempting any of the above exercises. Let your physician determine an appropriate exercise program for you. Remember, it never hurts to ask.

Prayer- Anywhere and Everywhere

Prayer is another exercise that can be done also anywhere, everywhere, and often. Before a Zoom meeting, during media reports about COVID-19, wildfires, eviction concerns, financial concerns, about school safety. Prayers can be sent on behalf of out-of-state friends, or relatives or to those suffering in hospitals, prisons, or on behalf of those dealing with hardships in other states or foreign countries.

Although we cannot be everywhere, GOD can. We can ask GOD to send HIS HOLY SPIRIT wherever there is a need or prayer concern. GOD can comfort us all.

So, continue to pray for one another, everywhere, and BE BLESSED!