Meditations on Healthy Living

(Lessons from Rahab)

Joshua 2:1 And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” And they went and came into the house of a harlot whose name was Rahab and lodged there. [Revised Standard translation]

Matthew 1:1, 5 These are the ancestors of JESUS CHRIST, a descendant of King David and of Abraham…Salmon was the father of Boaz (Rahab was his mother); Boaz was the father of Obed (Ruth was his mother); Obed was the father of Jesse….
[Living Bible translation]

Life Before the Trial –
My name is Rahab. Yeah, I’m one of “those” kind of women. Women to whom people are always attaching a name or label--“Too bossy,” “Too Independent,” “Loud,” “Angry,” “Demanding,” “Difficult.” Some of the “bad” labels include “Harlot,” “Prostitute,” or “Sinful Woman.” You probably have heard people call women like me “out of their “true” names before. Well, that’s what my life is like.

I am the kind of woman most “respectful” women in Jericho society look down their noses on. They don’t want to associate with “my kind.” I am also the kind of woman most “respectful” men in Jericho often want to hang around – but, just not “in public.” Sometimes when you have a place where men drink, women like me are known as “Party Girls.” Or, sometimes people will say “Check out Rahab for a good time!” Yeah, there are lots of labels for women like me.

See, I run an inn--a place where men stay, so people naturally assume that since I’m sleeping under the same roof with men who are not my husband and there is drinking that “something must be going on.” Jericho is just like every other major city. People love to gossip---especially about “other women.” Because I ran an inn for men, people naturally assumed the worse. They talk about me a lot. But if I worried about every name I’ve been called or concerned myself with “what people think of me,” I’d probably be a beggar on the streets! Still, it isn’t easy. Living under “the cloud” of negative public opinion is never easy! But, I’m a survivor! So, when I wake up each morning. I put on my “business” clothes, open the door of my inn, and just keep on moving.

Right now, I’m not married. With a “reputation” like mine, not too many families want me to marry their “precious sons” or want me in their family tree. And, frankly, if I had a husband, given the customs of the times, any business I owned, like my inn, would immediately become “my husband’s.” That’s just the nature of the times. I’m also a Canaanite. And, right now, there’s a lot going on.

My Trials –
Every city in the area is on high alert! You see everyone’s been talking about these people called “Israelites” and their GOD. The Canaanites have lots of gods, but NOTHING like what we hear this Israelite GOD can do! Did you hear about what happened to Egypt, mighty Egypt! A whole Egyptian army drowned in the Red Sea! The Israelite GOD did that! We heard about how the Amorite kings were defeated. When King Sihon refused to let the Israelites come through his land, the Israelites slaughtered those kings. Numbers 21:22. Joshua 2:10-11. No one has ever seen or heard anything like it! The King of Jericho has heard the rumors too, and the King is on high alert! So, you can imagine my surprise when two Israelite men, who were trying to disguise themselves, came to my inn seeking shelter.

I let them in and hid them. I had already decided that nothing was going to stop the Israelite GOD, so I decided right then and there to become an Israelite GOD believer.

I hid the Israelites on the top of my roof, where I was drying out my stalks of flax. My flax was part of my “retirement” income. It was like having my bank account on the roof. I was literally risking everything by hiding the Israelites.

Usually, I am all business, but what good is a “bank account” if you don’t live to spend it! In other words, there are some things more important than money or the economy. There are some things more important than business. I decided that being on the side of the Israelite GOD was “life” and everything else would just have to take a “back seat.” I only asked that when these Israelites and their GOD conquered Jericho, as I knew they would, and came into “their kingdom” they remember me and my family (my father, mother, sisters, brothers, and all their families.) The Israelites agreed. So, in exchange for not betraying them and helping them, the Israelites promised me (swearing in the sacred name of their GOD) that I and my family would be saved. Joshua 2:11.

Those two Israelites even gave me a scarlet cord which my family and I hung in our window as a “sign” that we were protected! I’m sure those Israelites were thinking about Passover when only those “under the lamb’s blood” sprinkled on the mantel of their doors in Egypt survived when the Angel of Death passed over Egypt.

Sometimes economic decisions and money are NOT the most important thing when life and death are weighing in the balance. I chose GOD. I chose life!

How I Got Through It
I hid the Israelites. When the king’s men came by my inn searching for them, I sent the king’s men on a wild pursuit away from my inn. I kept my end of the bargain and GOD and the Israelites remembered me. I and my family were saved! When Jericho fell the whole city was destroyed---men, women, young, old, oxen, sheep, asses---everything, except for me and my family. (Joshua 6:17-20) We were the only ones saved! (Joshua 6:25) We were saved because I believed in the one true GOD and because GOD remembered me!

When GOD saved me, I was given an entirely different “life.” I began serving GOD. I became a member of GOD’s people. I married an Israelite named Salman. We had a child named Boaz. I also later had a daughter-in-law named Ruth! Ruth believes GOD saved me so that GOD could save her! All I can say is trust GOD and live! Don’t be short-sighted or try to hold onto short term gain. Put your whole faith in GOD and then let GOD do exceedingly, abundantly above everything you can ever imagine in your life! That’s how I was saved! And, that’s how I became part of the genealogy of THE MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST!” Remember, GOD remembers.


  1. Arm Stretches – Stand straight with your feet together and your arms relaxed along your sides. As you inhale, keep your arms out to the sides and up toward the ceiling with your palms facing each other over your head. As you exhale sweep your arms down again to your side. If you have balance problems do this with your back touching the wall or sitting in a chair. Take at least 3-5 good inhales and exhales. If you want an additional challenge, hold some water bottles or 3-5lb weights in each hand as you inhale and exhale out. Take breaks when needed.
  2. Knee lifts - Stand up straight with your feet together. Lift your right knee and then your left knee, lightly touching both hands to the knee being lifted. You can also do this exercise with your back against a wall or seated in a chair. For an extra challenge try to hold your knee up 2 or 3 seconds before returning your feet to the floor. Try to do at least 3-6 knee raises on each side. Take breaks as needed.
  3. Seated Chest Stretch - Sit up straight in a straight facing chair without arms. Clasp your hand behind you, interlacing your fingers so your palms face the back of the chair. Gently and slowly lift your hands toward the ceiling until you feel the stretch. You may not be able to lift your hands far, so don’t overextend yourself. Try to relax and keep your shoulders straight. Then return to your start position with your hands relaxed along your sides. Try to look straight ahead and keep your chin level with the floor. Don’t look down. Also, don’t lean forward as you lift. Remember, a few inches can still produce a good stretch.

If you experience pain or you have balance problems or medical issues, consult your personal physician for the best stretches for you or ask if the above stretches are ok for you to include in your stretch routine. For more information about stretching see


Sometimes people get their priorities “mixed up.” Instead of putting GOD first sometimes, they focus on the economy, their savings (or lack of savings), or their job or “material things,” not realizing that GOD is the giver of life and that without GOD, all these other things are meaningless. As Rahab reasoned, what’s the point of “having a Jericho retirement plan” or any account or business if you’re not alive to see it. What’s the use of planning for tomorrow, if the keeper of all your tomorrows is not in your life! That we save material things is not important. The fact that GOD SAVES is.

Remember, it is GOD in whom we live and have “our being” ---not our jobs, not our incomes, not any of the material things we assume are or were important. Like, Rahab, we need to acknowledge the SAVING POWER of an AWESOME GOD and serve HIM! We need to find new life in GOD instead of seeking refuge in an “OLD LIFE” that has already been destroyed or will pass away!

Remember GOD. And, ask GOD to remember you and BE BLESSED!