Meditations on Healthy Living

1 Corinthians 6:19 Haven’t you yet learned that your body is the home of the HOLY SPIRIT GOD gave you, and that HE lives within you? Your own body does not belong to you. [Living Bible]

Definition: Steward: One who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs.
Stewardship: The job of taking care of or supervising something.



First Corinthians is one of the epistles or letters written by the Apostle Paul. During his missionary journeys spreading Christianity, Paul established a number of churches in various cities. As he basically planted these “baby churches” through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul stayed connected with these churches and new Christians by writing letters of encouragement and instruction. He wanted these churches to grow and understand GOD’s WORD and what it meant to call oneself a Christian. These letters became teaching tools.

First Corinthians actually includes an introduction. There, Paul provides a greeting to the Corinthians. Paul begins the letter by describing the writer. He states: From Paul, chosen by GOD to be JESUS CHRIST’s missionary and Sosthenes, our brother. Although brother Sosthenes is mentioned, there are many who believe that Sosthenes may have been Paul’s writer or transcriptionist.

It is interesting to note that in Paul’s greeting in Corinthians 1:1, Paul, as he does in other letters or epistles, makes it clear who he works for and who is in charge. Here are some samples of Paul’s greetings to various churches:

Ephesians1:1 This is Paul writing to you, chosen by GOD to be JESUS CHRIST’s messenger. [Living Bible translation]

Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of JESUS CHRIST. [King James translations]

Colossians 1:1 Paul, An Apostle of CHRIST JESUS by the will of GOD, and Timothy our brother. [New International translation]

Galatians 1:1 Paul, An apostle---not from men nor through men, but through JESUS CHRIST and GOD THE FATHER, who raised HIM from the dead---and all the brethren who are with me. [Revised Standard translation]

Paul understood his job. He never tried to claim that he, Paul, was in charge. Paul knew he was just a steward.

Nor did Paul try to glorify himself or his position by suggesting that he was a “the head steward,” or “the main man.” Paul gives the glory to GOD.

Paul also took his job seriously. He compared himself to servant or slave to JESUS CHRIST, meaning that Paul didn’t even consider his own body to be his. See Philippians 1:1 and Titus 1:1.

The importance of understanding that your own body is not your own, is also emphasized in 1 Corinthians 6:19. Paul states that our bodies are “dwelling places” or “home,” or “temples,” of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. According to Paul, this also entails stewardship and the duty to maintain the body in a way that would be pleasing to GOD

Paul makes it also clear that our earthly bodies are bought with “a great price,” because JESUS died so that we might live. According to Paul, this sacrifice and HIS dwelling in us is why we should glorify GOD always, in our body and our spirit. See, Corinthians 1:30.


Most understand what it means to hold a job. It means providing service. It means taking on responsibilities. It means being accountable. It means managing something well, at least until “you clock out.”

Most of us take the various earthly jobs we have or have had very seriously. We put a lot of effort into doing a good job. We come to work, even when we don’t feel like it. Most of us would never tell an employer that we were too tired to work, even when we felt tired. We often spend time educating ourselves, sometimes taking classes to improve our job performance, encouraging others on our work teams, and setting a good work example, so that our “employer” benefits from our service.

Most of us would never think of “sabotaging the work environment” by bringing things in the office that would be “detrimental” to getting the job done or which would “decrease” our job productivity.

Unfortunately, we often don’t think about the physical and spiritual health of our bodies in this same way.

For example, have you ever made any of the following statements to yourself or others?

  1. I don’t want to exercise because I don’t feel like it;
  2. I’m too tired to work out in the evening (or morning or after work);
  3. I’m just too busy; I’ll get around to it when I have time.
  4. I know I should do it but something always comes up….

 Or, with respect, your spiritual health or growth, have you ever said or thought?

  1. I know I should study my Bible more but I’m just too tired:
  2. I know I should go to church or a place of worship but….
  3. I know I should pray more or find a ministry where I can work, but…

Or, with respect to physical food, have you ever said or thought:

  1. I know this isn’t good for me, but….
  2. I know I should eat more fruits and vegetables, but….
  3. I know I shouldn’t drink this but…..
  4. I know I shouldn’t be eating this much candy (cake, all of these sugary things) but …


Although Paul declares: “Your body does not belong to you,” it is easy to feel and act otherwise. As humans, it is easy to give in to our urges, our desires and wants. It’s easy to want service rather than give service---to be served rather than serve GOD. It is easy to want to clock out on our Christian duties much earlier than we should.

Tomorrow, this week or whenever you feel GOD speaking to your spirit, take time to examine your stewardship, including your stewardship as a member of a body of believers and your accountability to GOD.

Let’s also remember to pray for each other and support one another on this Christian journey.

If you need help with physical food choices, physical fitness goals or need education or assistance, consult your personal physician for advice, especially if you have a medical problem or find yourself in a state of constant procrastination.

If you need help with spiritual choices, need spiritual education or need spiritual support, consult a spiritual leader, find a place of worship where you can grow with other believers, learn and find spiritual role models.

In all things ask for GOD’s guidance and help. And remember, you are not alone. We all fall short. We could all do more. We could all do better. Have faith and believe!

We are all in this together! Don’t give up and don’t get weary. We all want GOD to one day say to each of us: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (See, Matthew 25:23).

So, be GOD’s servant. Give GOD ownership rights over your body.

Do the job! Do GOD’s work every day, and BE BLESSED!