Meditations on Healthy Living

Matt 9:27-21 And when JESUS departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us. And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him, and JESUS saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. And, their eyes were opened.... [King James Bible translation]

Two men who are blind make their way to JESUS. The men ask JESUS to have mercy on them (each man asking for himself and his companion). When JESUS asks them if they believe that he is able to heal them, they answer: “Yes.” JESUS tells them: “According to your faith, be it done to you.” And, their eyes were opened.

This is just one instance where the relationship between “having faith” and “healing” are emphasized. Some of the other instances involve the raising of the ruler’s daughter (Matt 9:18-19 and verses 23-26) and the healing of the suffering woman (Matt 9:20-22).

A Determined Father’s Quest For His Child’s Life:
In the raising of the ruler’s daughter, a ruler (a rabbi at the local synagogue) sought JESUS to ask JESUS to bring his daughter back to life. It was obvious from this request that this father had faith, because the father left his home looking for JESUS. He was not only determined to find JESUS, the father found HIM. But, when JESUS arrived at the father’s home the home was filled with people who were acted as if the child were already dead, because those inside were making a lot of noise and playing funeral music. To make matters worse, when JESUS talked about a child living, those inside just laughed. In other words, those inside were obviously lacking in faith, by their actions. By their very actions, these folks were not acting as if the child were going to live again. So, the determined father, allowed JESUS to put these non-believers out and the father, determined as ever stuck with JESUS. This determined father was there when the miracle occurred and the child got up.

A Determined Suffering Woman’s Decision to Reach Out:
Another instance of faith involved the woman suffering who had been hemorrhaging for years. This was a woman who because of her circumstances was truly “left behind.” Because of her condition, she wasn’t allowed to enter the synagogue or even associate with others because she was considered “unclean.” Yet, despite her years of suffering and isolation, this suffering woman decided to reach out to JESUS. JESUS was on the way to the ruler’s daughter’s house and the woman decided, in faith, that if she could just touch JESUS’s garment—just a fringe---that would be enough to be healed. So, as JESUS, his disciples, and the rabbi went to the father’s home where the child was, the woman acted on her faith, and just touched the fringe of JESUS’s garment. This huge act of faith did not go unnoticed by JESUS. JESUS immediately turned to the woman, saw her, as no one else had seen her before, and healed her. JESUS told her: “Your faith has made you well.”

Two Determined Blind Men’s Quest to Not Loose of JESUS:
The two blind men also showed great faith. Acting on their faith, they went out on their own seeking JESUS. When they found JESUS and asked HIM to have mercy on them, JESUS just kept on walking. But, the two men kept on walking with JESUS too. They had no idea where JESUS was leading them. They didn’t ask. They just kept going in HIS direction. Even, when JESUS entered a house, the blind men entered the home too. They were not giving up. These men, like the suffering woman, and the ruler father were determined. When JESUS turned to them and asked if they believed in their healing, there was no discussion, no meeting, no “let’s think about this,” no hesitation at all, they immediately said “Yes.” Even when JESUS conditioned their healing on the strength of their faith, their faith held up to the test. And, based on their belief and “acts” of faith, these two determined blind men were healed.

Food For Sight:

Macular degeneration is an age-related medical condition that affects older adults and results in the loss of sight. It is the leading cause of vision loss in Americans older than age 55 years.

Certain foods are considered good for sight. According to the Mayo Clinic some of those foods include:

- Vegetables: dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots.
- Fruit: blueberries, oranges, tangerines, mango, grapefruit, peaches, oranges, honeydew and cantaloupe,
- Foods with omega-3 fatty acids: such as flaxseed, almonds, pumpkin seeds, soybeans.

In addition to just eating, good health and good sight also requires prevention. People must take action to ensure their own good health. Such action includes:

- Avoiding cigarette smoke. Stop smoking and avoid being around areas where people smoke because nicotine robs the blood of oxygen and constricts
  blood vessels and the flow of oxygen to the eyes.
- Manage your health and your other medical conditions (e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes, excess weight, etc.).
- Wear sunglasses outside on sunny days because sunglasses absorb ultraviolet light, which may be harmful to the retina.
- Get regular eye exam. If you are older than 40 get exams every 2-4 years. If you are older than 65 get an eye exam every 1-2 years. If you have a family
   history of macular degeneration (or other sight problems you may need examinations more frequently.

As always, consult your personal physical if you have concerns about your eye sight or what preventive measure you should take to safeguard your eyes and your health.

Faith in Action

Faith still requires action. Believers must still be determined. Despite, the dead people, the “dead” situations, despite suffering or years of hemorrhaging, GOD can and does perform miracles. JESUS can and still heals.

So, BE DETERMINED too! Don’t give up! Stay away from the “negative” minded. Don’t be influenced by the way “things look” on the surface. Be proactive. Take preventive measures.

Reach out! Study scripture! Walk with GOD! Stay on course. Pray for sight and insight! Eat right and exercise. Have faith in your healing!

Believe and BE BLESSED!