Meditations on Healthy Living

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. [New International translation]

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. [New International translation]


Many of the proverbs in the Book of Proverbs have been called “the wise sayings of King Solomon.” Solomon, the son of King David, was a wise man because GOD gave him wisdom. 1 Kings 4:29 states that GOD gave Solomon wisdom, understanding and “largeness of heart,” that exceeded the wisdom of all those in the East and all the wisdom of Egypt1. He was the wisest man of his time. (1 Kings 4:31) Solomon’s wisdom was as “measureless as the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29) He wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. (1Kings 4:32).

Solomon’s great wisdom and understanding was a “gift” and “an offering.” It was not for self-gratification or self-aggrandizement. Solomon’s wisdom was for service. Knowing that he would one day become King, Solomon asked GOD (in a dream) for the wisdom to be a good leader and a good teacher to GOD’s people. And because Solomon loved GOD and had a heart for service, GOD answered Solomon’s prayer. 1 Kings 3:12.

And so Solomon began to study. Solomon “applied himself “and searched for understanding about “everything in the universe.” (Ecclesiastes 1:12-15) He was passionate about learning. He put “his heart” into the task. It wasn’t magical. It was hard work. After great effort and study, Solomon wrote what he had learned. He wrote a series of proverbs.

The lessons of Proverbs 3:5; Proverbs 4:23; Proverbs 23:15 are “lessons of the heart.” Mindful of human nature, and the tendency of people to think “they know it all,” “to ignore the instruction of a teacher,” “to not listen” or “to let their own passions lead them in the wrong direction,” Solomon basically reminds the children of Israel and all humanity to “guard the heart,” According to Solomon, listening and trusting GOD is like drinking water for life. GOD’s WORD is a fountain of knowledge. It is a wellspring. GOD’s WORD is a recipe for a good life.

According to Solomon, when we love GOD (i.e., when we get the heart right), then everything else falls in place. We just need to have a heart for GOD.

The Heart

Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States. Heart disease refers to a number of cardiovascular conditions: coronary artery disease; stroke, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, peripheral artery disease are some of the most common. All races and all ages can get heart disease.

According to the CDC (The Center for Disease Control and Prevention), about 610,000 Americans die of heart disease each year, about 1 out of every 4 deaths.

Some of the risk factors that can contribute to heart disease include:

  • Diabetes
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Smoking

The CDC notes that high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol and smoking are “key risk factors” for heart disease and about half of all American (49%) have at least one of these three key risk factors.
See, .

Some of the ways to reduce your risk of heart disease or to boost your heart health involve just making lifestyle type changes. Improve your diet, stop smoking (if you do), and start exercising.

In an article entitled: “Exercise for a Healthy Heart,” part of WebMD’s exercise guide, WebMD notes that regular exercise can:

  • Help lower your high blood pressure;
  • Cause you to burn calories, resulting in weight loss or avoiding weight gain;
  • Reduce your LDL “bad” cholesterol;
  • Boost your HDL “good” cholesterol.


WebMD notes that you don’t have to be an athlete to exercise. Taking a 30 minute walk a day can make a difference.

What types of exercise you chose, how much exercise you should engage in or what is best for you personally may depend on your age, health or physical limitations. Consult your doctor if you have questions or concerns. Perhaps your doctor may recommend physical therapy first before turning you lose on your own so that you learn proper exercise techniques or avoid injury. Remember, it never hurts to ask. But, doing nothing can be detrimental to your life.

Remember, the heart is a muscle. It is more likely to get stronger and be healthier if you lead an active lifestyle

Service: Spiritual Exercise for The Heart

For Solomon and for every Christian, service to GOD is spiritual exercise for the heart. When we love GOD, we serve.

Service may require study. Service may require sacrifice. Service may require reaching out to others, just as GOD reached out to us. And, if you have any service questions, just ask GOD. HE is still an overflowing fountain of wisdom.

Today, pray we all learn to serve GOD with our whole heart. Pray also for wisdom and discipline to protect the physical heart GOD has gifted each of us.

Pray. Stay active.

Be wise and BE BLESSED!


1See King James and Revised Standard translations.