Meditations on Healthy Living

1 Cor. 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from GOD? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor GOD with your body.  [New International translation]

One of the most extraordinary events in human history is the indwelling of GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT within our bodies. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 6:19 that our bodies are human “churches” or “temples.” Each of us is a temple. These “temples” are of extraordinary value to GOD because JESUS sacrificed HIMSELF so that we might have life----life here on earth and everlasting spiritual life hereafter. We are physical and spiritual temples.

When others look at us, they are looking at GOD’s temple. We represent HIM to the world.

Imagine someone coming into your church and your church “wasn’t in good shape.” Imagine someone coming in and “there was no energy,” (e.g., the lights were out or the sound system didn’t work or other critical parts (e.g., the waste management system) didn’t work. Imagine no one every watering the lawn, never using water to wash the floors, never using water to shampoo the church carpet because the water was turned off.

Imagine what the church would look like if nothing was maintained for just a week, and then those weeks turned into months and then those months into many years.

Like any temple, a certain amount of regular and ongoing maintenance is just necessary! So it is with our bodies.

Physical Maintenance – PART ONE-FOR MEN

In an article entitled “Routine Maintenance For Men,” by Martin Downs, MPH, reviewed by Louise Chang, MD, recommend a number of routine maintenance items. Here are a few:

  1. Fill Up With Good Fuel---Like a car, the body needs good quality fuel to run properly. Things that clog up the pipes, like “bad fats” (e.g. foods with lots of saturated fats (often found in butter, cheese and red meats and other animal-based foods and which can raise cholesterol) and trans fats (often found in cakes, cookies, crackers, icing, margarines and microwave popcorn and which clog the arteries and increase a person’s risk for stroke and heart disease and associated with type 2 Diabetes) should be limited. Fruit and vegetables should make up most of a person’s diet.
  2. Clean up Your Grill---Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Good oral hygiene, flossing and teeth maintenance are important in preventing teeth decay, plaque and gum disease. In addition to regular flossing and brushing, teeth should be cleaned and checked at least every six months, unless your dentist suggests otherwise. Teeth problems can be unattractive, malodorous, and often painful and usually expensive to treat.
  3. Check Yourself --- Just as a car owner checks belts and hoses, men should conduct testicular examinations often, at least once a month. Self-examination is simple and quick: Gently roll each testicle between your thumb and fingers, feeling for any abnormal lumps. If you feel a lump, call your doctor immediately. If you are unsure or just concerned, call your doctor anyway and express any concerns you may have.
  4. Check Yourself More---Men over 50 or who have a family of history of high blood pressure should have regular check-ups at least once a year. Some stores and drug stores have public blood pressure cuffs that can provide useful information; however, because of poor fittings, many of these devices are not exactly accurate. It is best to have your blood pressure checked in a medical facility or in a community medically sponsored program at least once a year, or more often if your medical history requires more frequent monitoring.
  5. Colon Cancer Screening---Routine colon cancer screening begins at age 50. On a yearly basis your physician may also provide routine tests to detect hidden blood in your stool.
  6. Prostate Cancer Screening---Some doctors recommend initial PSA test (Prostate-specific antigen test which measure protein produced by cells of the prostate gland to determine the level in the blood) and DRE (A direct rectal exam, by a doctor inserting a gloved lubricated finger into the rectum to feel the prostate, which lies in front of the rectum) at age 40. Some doctors recommend that at age 50 most men have routine prostate cancer screening. All men should have a prostate screening plan based on their lifestyle, family history and medical condition. If in doubt, speak with your physician.
  7. Full Physical Annual Exam---A routine physical exam is a good time to touch base and speak to your personal physical about any physical, mental or emotional problems you may be having. Just as you don’t want any old mechanic “messing with your car,” it is a good idea to maintain a relationship with a doctor you trust and who know and understands your situation.

Spiritual Maintenance

Spiritual maintenance is of high important. Prayer, spiritual reflection, Bible study, Sunday School, fellowship, worship, communion, spiritual self-examination, fellowship, practicing “right thinking” and “right attitude” are all important facets of spiritual maintenance, renewal and repair.

If you have never fellowshipped with a group of men, attended a men’s chorus rehearsal, a men’s retreat, a men’s bible study, a men’s prayer breakfast, or a men’s justice march, it can be a unique experience. It can be an uplifting experience to worship with other men. Also invite nephews, brothers, sons and other young men to join you in helping to maintain your temple, your church and your community.

Co-ed worship with spouses, children in Sunday School, service, mission work, on justice marches, in homes and with friends and neighbors is also important. Moreover, there are a large number of foster children, young people in college, men and women in and out of prisons and jails, homeless people, people in nursing home, people in other facilities also looking for mentors, friends, coaches and sponsors or a listening ear or one of “GOD’s helpful ambassadors” to help them navigate life’s challenges.

Good maintenance, physical and spiritual, is not only good for you it is good for everyone. [Next week, we will review Part Two-Routine Maintenance for Women.]

Honor GOD with your body.

Be a Living Temple and BE BLESSED!