Acts 2:44-46 And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything with each other, selling their possessions and dividing with those in need. They worshiped together regularly at the Temple each day, met in small groups in homes for Communion, and shared their meals with great joy and thankfulness, praising GOD. [Living Bible translation]
Definition: "Koinonia" is a New Testament Greek word that means "commune by intimate participation." The word is frequently used in the New Testament to describe the relationship within the early Christian church as well as the act of "breaking bread" that Christ prescribed during the Passover meal. It identifies the state of fellowship and community that should exist among Christians. See, Koinonia embraces concepts like "sharing," "joint participation," "contribution" and "fellowship with each other and with GOD."
Acts 2:44-46 is often cited as a prime example of 'Koinonia' among members of the early Christian church. The idea of meeting together, sharing their resources, worshipping together, praying together, meeting in small groups for fellowship and the act of participation in communion is expressed in Acts 2:44-46 and elsewhere in the gatherings of the early church. The word "Koinonos" means a companion, a partner or a joint owner. Koinonia can also refer to a spiritual relationship, as when something is held or shared jointly for GOD. The HOLY SPIRIT acting within us and through us for the mission of helping the poor or to achieve a higher purpose thereby glorifying GOD is also expressed in the concept of 'Koinonia.' Koinonia also refers to a bond between comrades, as when friends share their joys and pain, when one prays for another, or when people are united because of their common interests and goals. Koinonia involves action. It is the "doing together." It is a blessed, interdependent friendship and fellowship among believers and with GOD. More than likely there were children participating in the Koinonia fellowship, observing their parents. When Peter preached to the early church, he proclaimed:
"Each one of you must turn from sin, return to GOD and be baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the forgiveness of your sins; then you also shall receive this gift, the HOLY SPIRIT. For CHRIST promised HIM to each of you who has been called by the LORD our GOD, and to your children and even those in distant lands!" [Living Bible translation]
Children were and are included in the plan.
NEED FOR ACTION – For Children
There have been a number of studies on the effects that parental activity and inactivity have on children: For example:
- In June, 2012, Science Daily reported that children who said their parents do almost no physical activity had a 50% greater risk of being unfit than children with more physically active parents. Dr. Gavin Sandercock, who led the research published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, noted: "To be classed as fit in our test, the children had to run at a speed equivalent to a medium jogging pace (7mph) and its quite frightening that a quarter of children can't do this." He added: We know that being unfit is much worse for your health than being obese and we are not finding that it is also much more common."
See, "Poor Role Models: Children Say Two-Thirds of Parents Do 'Almost No Physical Activity,' / 120620133041.htm. - In July, 2012, Kristen Holm, PhD, reported her findings in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health that when parents increased their daily activity, as measured by a pedometer, their children increased their level of activity too. According to Dr. Holmes: "It has long been known that parent and child activity levels are correlated." Holmes reported that the effect of parental activity was most pronounced on Saturday and Sundays.
See, "Parents Can Increase Children's Activity by Increasing Their Own," - In May, 2010 Science Daily reported on a paper by Dr. Russell Jago and his colleagues in the Department of Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences at the University of Bristol, published in BMC Public Health. Dr. Jago found that children were more likely to watch high levels of television if their parents do. This correlation between higher parental TV viewing and increased risk of higher levels of TV viewing in children was found to be true for both boys and girls. For girls, the relative risk of watching more than 4 hours of TV per day was 3.67 times higher if the girl's parent watched 2-4 hours of TV. However for boys, the relative risk of watching more than 4 hours of TV per day was 10.47 times higher if the parents watched more than 4 hours of TV per day. One researcher put it this way:
"Ideally parents and children should lead an active lifestyle together but if this isn't possible then parents need to take charge and ensure a healthier way of life for the next generation. It's time to switch off the box and get the nation's kids moving again."
See, "Parents' Physical Inactivity Influences Children," - In "Your Child's Nutrition: The Power of Parents," by Jeanie Lerche Davis, reviewed by Brunilda Narzario, MD,, one tip that was mentioned was to let young children serve themselves:
"One study showed that when food was served family-style—passing bowls around the table—children took the right amount of food for their ages. Three-year-olds took about ½ cup portion of
mac 'n' cheese; 4- and 5 year-olds took ¾ cup. However, when researchers put a double-sized portion on the children's plates, the kids took bigger bites—and ate more.
Remember, children are watching what you eat and listen to what you say and do. If you have a donut every Sunday, they will think they have a right to have a donut every Sunday too. You are not just eating for yourself. What you eat influences others around you too.
Participation makes a difference!
As a church "family," we are all responsible for the physical and spiritual health of not only ourselves, but the whole body of CHRIST (i.e., the church) and especially our children.
Let us pray that GOD keep us ever mindful of our responsibilities and BE BLESSED!