Blessings and greetings L.Y.F.E. family!

Welcome to our first publication of “L.Y.F.E. is…”!

We hope and pray that your hearts are encouraged and that you are blessed by this devotional!

Hit the ‘Reset’ Button (Called to Renewal)

Scripture: (Isaiah 58, Romans 12:1, 2)

Devotional: At the beginning of this year, our beloved Pastor, Pastor Jackie ministered to us our church theme ‘Called to Renewal: Rebuilding. Restoring. Repairing.’(Isaiah 58, Romans 12:1, 2) As a result of God’s call to renewal, we are required to commit to rebuilding, restoring, and repairing the areas of our lives that need attention. We can ‘Hit the Reset Button’ in our peer groups, amongst our colleagues, in our ‘Zoom’ meetings, with our own families and friends, and in various networks, etc, even in this “sit still” period.

What an opportunity for all of us to pause during this season of pandemic and shutdown to correct some things that were going down the wrong path! What an opportunity to draw closer to God as God draws closer to us! And what an opportunity to serve God by serving others in our communities in some new and creative ways!

Remember God is the author of redeeming, restoring, reviving, resuscitating, revitalizing, rejuvenating, and yes RESURRECTING what was once dead. It is the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that conquered death, hell, and the grave. Hallelujah! (1 Corinthians 15:54-55) And it is that same resurrection power of Jesus that empowers us to take on the things that God is calling us to restore, repair, rebuild, and hit the ‘Reset’ button in order for us to move forward.

Let us pray.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the blessings of a New Year and new season where we have been ‘Called to Renewal’. LORD, You are the author and finisher of our faith and we ask that Your Holy Spirit breathe new life in us. Help us to ‘Hit the Reset Button’ in our faith, in our relationships, in our communities, and in our worship. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

GOD bless and love you all!

Reverend Will Brown