Health Education Ministry

Health Ed Collage Jul 19 Resized 07.06.19

Contact:   Deacon Harold Goodman, Chairperson   
Meetings Day / Time: Tuesdays / 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Meeting
Location: FLC Health Ed. Room 

The goal of the Health Education Ministry Committee is to increase the health, mental and spiritual well-being of the Allen Temple Church Family and East Oakland Community. This will be accomplished by emphasizing positive attitudes towards health, increasing knowledge of preventive health practices and providing biblically based tools that will assist in comprehensive self-care.

The Health Education Ministry accomplishes its mission by providing programs in collaboration with community-based organizations, health care and social services agencies throughout the Bay Area.

The objective of our Ministry is to educate and empower the community with positive health maintenance attitudes.

Click here for information on the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

View the 2019 Health Fair Press Release

Sign up to attend the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

Sign up as a volunteer for the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

The Allen Temple Health Education Ministry is honored to partner with Samuel Merritt University for seminars! Click here to download a brochure

Allen Temple/Kaiser Permanente Healthy Ministries/Healthy Resources Newsletter

Click here to view YouTube video from the 2014 Health Fair (Partnership with Samuel Merritt University) 

Healthy Horizons Health Ministry Partnership Radio Interview with Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Jr, Deacon Harold Goodman, and Edgar Quiroz MPH of Horizon Clinical Services


Deacon Harold Goodman speaks with Sterling James of KBLX 102.9 about our 40th Annual Holistic Health & Job Fair

February Health Education Ministry Emphasis: African Americans and Heart Disease

ATBC Healthy Tips Feb 17 v2

Heart disease is the number one killer for all Americans. Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease, and stroke is also a leading cause of death. As frightening as those statistics are the risks of getting those diseases are even higher for African-Americans.

The good news is, African-Americans can improve our odds of preventing and beating these diseases by understanding the risks and taking simple steps to address them. “Get checked, then work with your medical professional on your specific risk factors and the things that you need to do to take care of your personal health,” said Winston Gandy, M.D., a cardiologist and chief medical marketing officer with the Piedmont Heart Institute in Atlanta and a volunteer with the American Heart Association.

High blood pressure, obesity and diabetes are the most common conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Here’s how they affect African-Americans and some tips to lower your risk.

High Blood Pressure
The prevalence of high blood pressure in African-Americans is the highest in the world. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, and it can cause permanent damage to the heart before you even notice any symptoms, that's why it is often referred to as the "silent killer." Not only is HBP more severe in blacks than whites, but it also develops earlier in life.

Research suggests African-Americans may carry a gene that makes them more salt sensitive, increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Your healthcare provider can help you find the right medication, and lifestyle changes can also have a big impact.

“You can’t do anything about your family history, but you can control your blood pressure,” Dr. Gandy said.

If you know your blood pressure is high, keeping track of changes is important. Check it regularly, and notify your doctor of changes in case treatment needs to be adjusted, Dr. Gandy said. Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, he recommends checking it every two years. “The No. 1 thing you can do is check your blood pressure regularly,” he said.

African-Americans are disproportionately affected by obesity. Among non-Hispanic blacks age 20 and older, 63 percent of men and 77 percent of women are overweight or obese.

If you’re carrying extra weight, Dr. Gandy suggests focusing on the quality of your diet throughout the day, not just during mealtime. “You can add hundreds of calories to your diet just on snacking,” he said. Choosing wise snacks can be part of a healthy diet.

Dr. Gandy knows all too well how challenging it can be to lose weight. After years of prescribing diet changes for his patients, he decided it was time to follow his own advice by walking at least 30 minutes a day and eliminating sugary drinks and desserts. The hard work paid off. Dr. Gandy lost 25 pounds in six months and feels much better.

He also suggests limiting red meat in favor of lean meats such as chicken or fish, and watching portions on carbohydrate-heavy foods, such as pasta and rice. “Make vegetables the main part of the meal and fill up with those rather than other foods,” he said. Dr. Gandy cautioned that even things that are healthy can pack in calories. “If you’re thirsty, drink water, not juice,” Dr. Gandy said.

African-Americans are more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites. Diabetes is treatable and preventable, but many people don’t recognize early warning signs. Or, they avoid seeking treatment out of fear of complications.

Dr. Gandy said many people associate the disease with older relatives who were diagnosed too late and suffered preventable complications such as blindness, amputations, or renal failure.

For diabetes and other heart disease risks, regular exercise also plays a key role – both in strengthening the cardiovascular system and burning extra calories. Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking a day, Dr. Gandy said. “That’s enough to get the heart rate up,” he said. “There’s no need to do a marathon."

In summary, we have the power to make the necessary lifestyle changes to reduce our risk for developing heart disease. Controlling and preventing risk factors is very important for people who already have heart disease. To lower your risk:

  • Watch your weight
  • Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke
  • Control your cholesterol and blood pressure
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation
  • Get active and eat healthy