Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Matthew 14:14-18, 20 So when JESUS came out of the wilderness, a vast crowd was waiting for HIM and HE pitied them and healed their sick. That evening the disciples came to HIM and said, “It is already past time for supper, and there is nothing to eat here in the desert; send the crowds away so they can go the villages and buy some food.” But JESUS replied, “That isn’t necessary---you feed them!”
“What!” they exclaimed. “We have exactly five small loaves of bread and two fish!”

“Bring them here,” HE said. Then HE told the people to sit down on the grass; and HE took the five loaves and two fish, looked up into the sky and asked GOD’s blessing on the meal, then broke the loaves apart and gave them to the disciples to place before the people. And everyone ate until full! [Living Bible translation]

A great deal of JESUS’ interactions with the disciples had to do with JESUS teaching them how to overcome their fears and doubts. This is an example.

“Immediately” before these events, JESUS and the disciples had all been at a mountainside gathering with over 5,000 people.1 JESUS was performing miracles, healing the sick. But, when it became late in the evening, past supper time, the disciples approached JESUS and suggested HE tell all the people to leave and go buy food, fearing a hungry crowd would become too unmanageable. But instead, JESUS calmly turned to the disciples and said: “That won’t be necessary, you feed them!”

Astonished, and probably looking at JESUS as if HE had “lost HIS mind,” the disciples proceeded to give JESUS what they thought was a simple lesson in mathematics. You could almost hear them saying in their minds: “Listen JESUS, there are 12 of us; at least 5,000 of them, 5 loaves and 2 fish.” Some of the disciples may have even been thinking “We don’t even have enough to feed our small group let alone this massive crowd!” But they just said: “We have exactly five small loaves of bread and two fish.” [Living Bible translation.]

JESUS response was just as straightforward. “Bring what you have to me.”

Then JESUS performed a miracle after the disciples and the people were obedient and followed HIS directions.”

Asking GOD’s blessings over what they had (5 loaves and two fish), JESUS fed everyone, with food to spare.

Read more: 08/19/2020 OVERCOMING FEARS & DOUBT