Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Acts 16:25 Around midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to the LORD---and the other prisoners were listening---suddenly there was a great earthquake; the prison was shaken to its foundations, all the doors flew open—and the chains of every prisoner fell off!
[Living Bible translation]

The book of Acts is a wonderful book to read or re-read for the new year because it describes a number of circumstances that attest to the power of prayer.

The Group Prayer:
In Acts 1:14, we are told that there were believers who “devoted themselves to prayer.” These believers basically held a “prayer meeting.” They found an upper room, “were on one accord” and prayed. Mary, the mother of JESUS, was there. The faithful disciples, the brothers of JESUS, and a number of women were there. Altogether they numbered about 120. During one of these group prayer meetings, something new occurred and these believers were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Read Act, chapter 2.

The Boldness Prayer:
It was not easy being a Christian after the death of CHRIST. There were threats, accusations, confrontations, and sometimes arrests and imprisonment. Despite threats from those around them, the Act believers had a boldness about them. This boldness did not come from education or wealth, from business or profession, but it came from simply being “with JESUS” and from prayer. See Acts 4:13. Despite threats from high officials, the believers continued to “obey GOD.” Instead of cowering in fear, they told GOD “all about it”--threats and all-- and they asked GOD in prayer for “great boldness” (i.e., “all boldness) to continue to carry on GOD’s work. See Acts 4:24-30. After praying the boldness prayers, GOD “shook everything up.” Even the buildings shook. The praying believers were filled and renewed with the HOLY SPIRIT and were filled with a new boldness. See Acts 4:31.

The Freedom Prayer:
The freedom prayer is recorded in Acts 16:25. Two of the believers, Paul and Silas, were physically restrained in jail. Instead of giving in to their circumstances, they decided to turn the jail into a prayer revival and prayed. Other prisoners watched and listened. Around midnight, something new and unexpected occurred---not only did the prison building shake, the very chains that had been binding “every prisoner” simply fell off. Everyone was freed through the power of prayer.

These are just a few examples of the powerful prayers found in the Book of Acts. Read on about the Healing Prayers (See Acts 28:8); the Intercession Prayers/Knocking Prayers (See, Acts 12: 6-16), and many others. Prayer even raised Dorcas, a woman full of good works and acts of charity, from the dead! (Acts (9:40)

Read more: 12/30/2020 PRAYING IN THE NEW