Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


11/27/2013 O GIVE THANKS

Psalms 107:1-2 O GIVE thanks unto the LORD, for HE is good: for HIS mercy endureth forever.
[King James translation]


The Thanksgiving story of the 1621 New England Pilgrim colonists and the Wampanoag native people is a story with many themes. For some it is a story of a group of people (the native people) from one culture embracing [illegal] immigrants (the Pilgrims) from another culture. For some it is a story of celebration for a people seeking economic opportunity in a new world and their meal of thanks as they looked to the future. Some see it as a day when a group of people who sought religious freedom gave thanks to God for seeing them through a rough winter. Others see it as a day of sharing—each person brings something to the table. Some see it as a symbol of unity--how people from different ethnic backgrounds can sit down at the table together in friendship and fellowship. Others see it as a day of victory to look back at those who braved the past danger in order to give honor and glory to God. The Thanksgiving celebration of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people lasted three days.

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