Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


12/07/2016 CINNAMON

Exodus 30:23 Then the Lord told Moses to collect the choicest of spices—eighteen pounds of pure myrrh; half as much cinnamon and of sweet cane…. [Living Bible translation]

Exodus is the second book of the Christian and the Jewish Bible. “Exodus” means a mass departure. This Old Testament book tells how Moses under the physical and spiritual direction of GOD caused the mass departure of the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. Exodus is also a story about a people in transition. Exodus is about liberation, dedication, re-education, faith, commitment and covenant.

Exodus 30 contains a discussion of the Altar of Incense. The Lord instructs Moses to collect a number of choice spices which skilled perfume makers were to compound into a holy anointing oil to anoint the Tabernacle of GOD, the Ark, the table, all the instruments at the altar and those who would minister to GOD as priest. Cinnamon was one of those anointing spices.

The continuing burning incense was to be symbolic of the people’s prayers to GOD—without ceasing and pleasing to GOD.

Read more: 12/07/2016 CINNAMON