Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


02/20/2019 TIME TO REST

Mark 6:31 Then JESUS suggested, “Let’s get away from the crowds for a while and rest.” For so many people were coming and going that they scarcely had time to eat. So they left by boat for a quieter spot. [Living Bible]


The sixth chapter of the book of Mark is filled with activity and events.

At the beginning of the chapter, JESUS receives a stunning rejection from HIS own, the townspeople of Nazareth, where HE grew up. JESUS returned to Nazareth with the disciples ready to teach, ready to work and ready to help. But the people of Nazareth could not accept A SAVIOR from Nazareth. Perhaps the people of Nazareth had been browbeaten so many times that even they thought “Nothing good comes from Nazareth” [John1:46]. Or, perhaps after years of disappointment, their “spiritual vision” was just impaired. When JESUS performed miracles, instead of “seeing” something “wonderful,” they were “offended,” stating to themselves, how could this person, who is “no better than we are” do great things! [Mark 6:3]. They saw JESUS as just “Mary’s boy”, “just a carpenter’s kid.” To them, HE was just part of a “bottom of barrel hood,” called Nazareth.

Even JESUS “marveled” at these people’s lack of faith. The evidence and the miracles were staring them right in the face, but they “wouldn’t believe.” [Mark 6:6].

After leaving Nazareth, JESUS’ evangelistic ministry “hits the streets running.” JESUS gave the disciples their “charge” and gave them “power.” [Mark 6:7]. Sending them out in pairs, they were to heal, teach and stay focused--being totally unconcerned about their own comforts and needs. They were given no food, no clothes, no money, no extra shoes, no change of clothes and no knapsack. They were to carry a staff, but nothing more. Perhaps the staff was a reminder that they were representing THE GOOD SHEPARD of the sheep. [John 10:11].

It was a grueling mission of heavy village-by-village ministry. It was also a dangerous mission because in Mark chapter six we learn of the beheading of John the Baptist and also learned that John’s group of disciples had to bury John’s body. John had performed miracles and healed too. So, it must have been pretty clear to everyone that being “a disciple” was certainly not without its risks.

After all the prior events, after traveling, without food, money, clothing or even anything to carry anything in, JESUS’ disciples returned. Their first tour of duty was now over. They must have been a sight. They were ready to tell JESUS everything that they had done and taught.

We are not told what JESUS did while the disciples traveled. Perhaps JESUS was praying night and day for HIS flock, much like a parent prays for a teenage child late at night awaiting the child’s return, or when that child goes off to school, travels to a foreign place, or enters the dangerous world alone for the first time. Perhaps JESUS was fasting too. Perhaps healing power went out of JESUS every time the disciples healed in HIS name. [See Luke 8:46]. We just don’t know….

What we do know is that JESUS looked at the returning disciples and said, let’s get away for a while and rest.

Read more: 02/20/2019 TIME TO REST