Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



EZEKIEL 47: 9-12 The stream will make the water of the Dead Sea fresh, and wherever it flows, it will bring life…there will be as many different kinds of fish there as there are in the Mediterranean Sea…On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food. Their leaves will never wither, and they will never stop bearing fruit. They will have fresh fruit every month, because they are watered by the stream that flows from the Temple. The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for healing people. [Good New translation]


Ezekiel was an Old Testament priest. His calling/job was to speak the Word of GOD to a people that were in rebellion against GOD, a most difficult task indeed. But, GOD prepared Ezekiel for the job Ezekiel had to perform. Ezekiel’s preparation involved experiencing the SPIRIT of GOD through a number of visions. Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48 contain a description of the millennial temple—the temple of the future; a temple like no other. In Ezekiel chapters 43-46, Ezekiel describes his vision of the worship. In Ezekiel 47 and 48, Ezekiel describes his prophetic vision of the land during the millennial Kingdom time. In verse 47:12, Ezekiel describes the trees, whose leaves will not wither and that bear fresh fruit every month.

Some commentaries* suggest the “many trees” and the fruit describe “our lives.” The “water” represents THE HOLY SPIRIT, bringing forth life, growth and fullness. Some of these commentaries note that “THE TEMPLE” is not a physical building, but GOD HIMSELF. See, Revelation chapters 20 and 21.

Ezekiel ends his description of the New Millennial (i.e., THE TEMPLE, the land, the city in Chapter 48 on a high note, proclaiming: “THE LORD IS THERE.”).

Read more: 07/24/2019 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES