Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


10/23/2019 BREAKFAST

John 21:12 “Now come and have some breakfast!” JESUS said; and none of us dared ask HIM if HE really was the LORD, for we were quite sure of it…This was the third time JESUS had appeared to us since HIS return from the dead.  [Living Bible translation.]


The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are the written accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of JESUS. The word “gospel” refers to the “good news” message or “glad tidings” of the New Testament. The word “gospel” is said to derive from the old English translation of “god-spell” [from “god” meaning “good” + “spel” meaning “story or message”]. See, and

In this passage, the writer, believed to be the Apostle John, one of the twelve disciples, the brother of the apostle James and one of the sons of Zebedee (a fisherman), describes one of his encounters with JESUS after JESUS’ resurrection. John states that this was the third time JESUS had appeared to “us” [one or more of the twelve disciples] since HIS return from the dead.

In John 20:1-18, John describes JESUS’ appearance to Mary Magdalene. In John 20:19, John describes JESUS’ appearances “behind locked doors” to a meeting of some of the disciples. After greeting them, JESUS showed them HIS hands and side. Thomas (frequently dubbed “Doubting Thomas” and “The Twin”), who was also one of the twelve disciples JESUS chose, was not present during this appearance to the gathering of disciples. When the other disciples told Thomas about their meeting with JESUS, Thomas (a man who had to see it for himself) told the others that he “won’t believe it” unless he puts his fingers on the nails wounds in HIS hands and puts his hand into HIS side.”

Eight days later, when the disciples have gathered again, behind locked doors, JESUS once again suddenly appears. But this time Thomas is with them. JESUS ask Thomas not to be faithless and invites Thomas to put his finger into his JESUS’ hands (where HE was nailed to the cross) and put his hand into HIS side (where HE was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, Isaiah 53:5) so that Thomas would believe. By believing, JESUS promised believers everywhere life. See, John 20:31.

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