Lent 2015 - Be Still and Know Part 1

dr jacqueline thompson lent 2015 series

February 25, 2015

Dear ATBC Family and Friends,

It happened! I don't know if it was because Resurrection Sunday is early this year or what. But it happened. Lent came upon me like a thief in the night and as in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, I was not prepared. I immediately started doing what a good Christian should. Trying to figure out what can I do. What can I give up? I have to DO SOMETHING! But then that still, small voice that is so very often drowned out by the activities and other voices of life whispered, "STOP! Just STOP." I was convicted. This was the real issue in the first place. I have been so busy just doing things. Good things, yes. Necessary things, yes. Church and Ministry things, yes. So busy doing all the should do, must do, need to things, that I forgot my first call is to just BE. Doing Christianity often occurs at the expense of Being a Christian.

Read more: Lent 2015 - Be Still and Know Part 1