Lent 2014 - Lenten Journey To The Cross: Remembering Jesus - Week Four Devotion

March 31, 2014


Good Monday Morning To You!

We have reached our halfway mark in our Journey To The Cross: Remembering Jesus. I pray this week's devotional finds you better for having embarked with us and still abstaining, adopting, and studying daily. Every journey has its' challenges. So if you have fallen away, take this week and recommit. It's not about being perfect. No matter what you are facing, the Good News translation of 1 Corinthians 12:9 makes it plain: "My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak". Knowing that God is strongest when we are weakest is certainly good news.

I also hope you were able to find freedom and blessing through the discipline of Simplicity as well. I had so many reminders this week of the joy and contentment that can be found outside of "things". Witnessing the return of my Pastor Emeritus to the pulpit to preach after suffering a stroke; singing with my father during that same service 11 years after he suffered a stroke; the hand drawn picture of me that a five year old gave me after preaching in Vallejo, stating "God loves you and so do I" were all simple pleasures that meant more than the pursuit of any worldly possession.

As we move closer to the cross this week, we reflect upon the Discipline of Service in the life of Jesus. For many, just hearing the word service produces anxiety, fear and fatigue. We already have so many things we must do, the idea of adding to that list, no matter how noble and beneficial, is overwhelming. But the greatest leaders, philosophers and theologians suggest that the key to peace, fulfillment and joy is found in serving others. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said "Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?" Mahatma Gandhi, whose life and work greatly influenced Dr. King said, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service." 15th century theologian and founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola suggested that service is not about great deeds and accomplishments and cannot be restricted to a certain list of actions. Rather service is looking for opportunities in our daily life to be helpful.

All of these world changers have spoken publicly about how the life and ministry of Jesus informed their worldview and their work. So let's go straight to the source and read, reflect and respond ourselves to the discipline of service as found in the life and teachings of Jesus.

Monday - John 13:12-17
Tuesday - Matthew 25:31-40
Wednesday - Matthew 6:1-4 .
Thursday - Mark 10:35-45
Friday - Mark 9:33-37 .
Saturday - Philippians 2:3-7
Sunday - (Worship)

Service will look different for each of us. Pray and ask God to show you how this discipline can become consistently active in our lives. Let's look for opportunities to help someone everyday this week. Mahalia Jackson sums it up best, "If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain." Let me know how the journey is going for you. We are almost to the cross and I want us to get there together.

Let's Grow!

jacqueline signature
Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson
Assistant Pastor