Lent 2023 - Center Down
February 22, 2023
Dear Allen Temple Family and Friends,
It's Ash Wednesday! The first day of the Lenten Season. It is the time where we intentionally reflect and remember the journey of Jesus to the cross and what that means for us in our journey. Personally, it is also a period of recommitment.
It's been so long since I have written. Although cathartic for me, the pace of the last 4 years has distracted me, from me. I have found the danger of living the Christian life is the same for us as it was for Jesus. It is best characterized by the temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness. Henri Nouwen, in his book In the Name of Jesus, frames the temptation this way. Jesus was tempted to forego his God-given mission and purpose in exchange for RELEVANCE, POWER and the SPECTACULAR. (Luke 4:1-13)