Thank You From EOYDC

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East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC), The Pathway to College Program, honored its graduating High School seniors on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at Allen Temple Baptist Church.

Dear Allen Temple Baptist Church,
On behalf of the East Oakland Youth Development Center, The Pathway to College Program would like to give its utmost gratitude for allowing us to use your space for our Senior Dinner Celebration. Graduating from high school is a major accomplishment and your support shows great generosity and demonstrates to our youth that the community will always be there to support them.  We have an infinite amount of appreciation for you and you will always be a part of the EOYDC family. 
Thank You Again

Allen Temple and Champions for Change

Click here to view an important video by our Community Partner, Network for a Healthy California/Champions for Change, with footage from Allen Temple and our neighborhood as they discuss food justice and its' impact on our bodies and chronic diseases!

Featured in this video are our own Senior Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Jr., Rev. Dr. Eunice Shaw (Director of Allen Temple Health and Social Services/ATHSSM), Sis. Gloria Crowell (Director of Development), and Bro. James Arrington (Allen Temple Case Manager).


Senior Pastor Smith's Prayer of Dedication for the Bay Bridge

On Monday, September 2, 2013, Senior Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Jr. delivered the Prayer of Dedication for the new Eastern Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge at a ceremony of officials, construction workers and families.

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After the chain cutting that declared the Bay Bridge open, Pastor Smith was among the first to cross the new span in a caravan of automobiles representing the seven decades which the bridge has connected the East Bay and San Francisco.   Pastor Smith rode along with Oakland Mayor Jean Quan.

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