Business Directory

Street : 1906 107th ave
City : Oakland
State : California
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Contact Person : William & Regina Edwards
Phone Number : 510562-6455
Fax Number : 510-562-6455
Description : Identity theft affects millions of Americans each year. LegalShield offers two high quality identity theft plans. LegalShield Identity Theft Plan provides standard identity monitoring and the Identity Theft Premium Plan has more comprehensive monitoring. Best of all, both services provide Comprehensive Identity Restoration from Kroll Advisory Solutions. So in the unfortunate event something does happen to your identity, you’ll have professional help in getting your identity restored to what it was before the fraud occurred. To ensure you have the best coverage possible, the LegalShield plans includes you and your spouse and for only an additional $1 per month you can add Safeguard for Minors to cover up to 8 dependent children under the age of 18.